Alcohol, by definition, is a depressant. It slows down the functions of the organs and central nervous system (brain & spinal cord). Initially many people sense a "pick me up" as they become less reserved socially (ten foot tall and bullet proof), but that ends with more alcohol consumption, and reality is that the negative effects of alcohol eventually start.
Scientifically speaking only, how can something that impairs the central nervous system be a benefit? Can you think of another sport where the "athletes" claim better performance based on blood alcohol levels? Sounds irrational to me, and could possibly be another one of the 100 reasons why league bowling continues on the decline. People (as a whole) are becoming more health conscious. Bowling can be challenging enough without altering ones brain "efficiency".
I'm certainly not against anyone enjoying their alcohol responsibly, but call it like it is. And some people are just dependent on it, which is kinda sad in a way.
Why my post? My father was an alcoholic, and eventually died from it's wear and tear on his body. I'm not searching for any sympathy, just don't buy it when someone's "peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining", so to speak. Now, do as you like, and by all means keep throwing strikes! Happy New Year to all!