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Author Topic: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole  (Read 39741 times)

Urethane Game

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Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« on: April 11, 2011, 10:40:20 PM »
I have a workout tool that does a good job but it is really for fine tuning.  Is a bevel sander overkill?  What tools do you use?

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 07:44:52 AM »
I use a body shop sanding attachment that inserts into my battery powered drill.  Just like a drill bit.  I found some at wal-mart but Lowes has a better selection.    If it's too much sanding that's needed I just do back to my local pro shop and ask the guy there to use the next size up drill bit and drill the hole bigger, and add some tape afterwards if needed.

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2011, 09:37:59 AM »
It depends on how the hole fits you. If you've told the driller, it's good when you left the shop, then you should be able to fine tune the hole yourself with sandpaper. I use 100 grit and 150 and 240 grit to do that myself. If you need to do more than that, I suspect you need to tell the driller that the next time.
Sandpaper: I cut a piece about 3" wide by 5" long and fold it it twice so I wind up with a piece 1" by 5". I bend it along the length so my finger fits into the groove and then put it into the hole and remove material where it rubs.  I do this with the 100 grit and then use the 150 grit and 240 grit to smooth it out so there's no rough surface inside. You can go to 400 grit for more smoothness.
I also use these pieces to add or increase the bevel on the inside of my thumb, as necessary.
This process is much better than the bevel sander as it removes much less material. It's far too easy to remove too much material. 

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2011, 09:50:01 AM »

 You got that right!   I used to tell my driller that the hole needed to be opened up, that it was rubbing on the inside of my thumb and he'd give it back to me so big that I'd need to use about 4 pieces of tape to adjust!
I found it was easier to just buy the tools and do it myself - rasp, workout tool, bevel knife, and sander.  Of course I also bought a drill and everything else!
It also makes a huge difference on whether the sander has a new disc or not.   I've hit a thumb hole with a new disc and in just a few seconds opened it up too much where I had to just remove the slug and start over.
charlest wrote on 4/12/2011 9:37 AM:
It depends on how the hole fits you. If you've told the driller, it's good when you left the shop, then you should be able to fine tune the hole yourself with sandpaper. I use 100 grit and 150 and 240 grit to do that myself. If you need to do more than that, I suspect you need to tell the driller that the next time.
Sandpaper: I cut a piece about 3" wide by 5" long and fold it it twice so I wind up with a piece 1" by 5". I bend it along the length so my finger fits into the groove and then put it into the hole and remove material where it rubs.  I do this with the 100 grit and then use the 150 grit and 240 grit to smooth it out so there's no rough surface inside. You can go to 400 grit for more smoothness.
I also use these pieces to add or increase the bevel on the inside of my thumb, as necessary.
This process is much better than the bevel sander as it removes much less material. It's far too easy to remove too much material. 

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Urethane Game

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 10:16:56 AM »
Fit in thumb is good.  Combination of a move to an area with higher humidity and bare minimum AC in all of the centers around here.

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 11:50:59 AM »

At your local hardware store, pickup a piece of fine sanding screen.   Tear in hole size strips.   Run it in and out a bit.    It will leave vertical sanding lines,    Makes for  a good release.  If it's just too tight but you think its close, drill a vent hole.    Don't sand it out then drill the vent hole.    Vent hole makes for a fast release.


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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 12:21:54 PM »
dremel with a round sanding disk

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2011, 02:09:34 PM »
My driller ships my equipment with the oval thumb a half size too small as far as length goes. I use 120 grit dry wall sanding screen cut in 1" x 3" long strips to work out the urethane slug (without vent holes).  I bought a workout tool, but sold it because it left ridges in the slug if substantial material was to be removed.

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2011, 03:45:11 PM »
Could also try the Brunswick Thumb Saver or the Bowling Thumb Sock.
I've never tried either one.  I guess since they are adding additional size to your thumb, they would probably require you to open your thumb hole anyway.
And there is always Ron C's  Magic Carpet, or any of the other similar products (Shur Cushion).
Or you could always try rubbing some chapstick on the parts that are sticking - have read that it can help.
Urethane Game wrote on 4/12/2011 10:16 AM:Fit in thumb is good.  Combination of a move to an area with higher humidity and bare minimum AC in all of the centers around here.

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2011, 04:30:36 PM »
qstick777 wrote on 4/12/2011 9:50 AM:


It also makes a huge difference on whether the sander has a new disc or not.   I've hit a thumb hole with a new disc and in just a few seconds opened it up too much where I had to just remove the slug and start over.




I found that out the hard way,also. lol



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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2011, 09:52:01 PM »
+1 on the Sanding Screen....

bullred wrote on 4/12/2011 11:50 AM:

At your local hardware store, pickup a piece of fine sanding screen.   Tear in hole size strips.   Run it in and out a bit.    It will leave vertical sanding lines,    Makes for  a good release.  If it's just too tight but you think its close, drill a vent hole.    Don't sand it out then drill the vent hole.    Vent hole makes for a fast release.


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Urethane Game

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Re: Easiest way top open up a thumbhole
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2011, 11:10:48 AM »
The sanding screen is a winner.  I was able to open up the thumbhole pretty easily and more efficiently than the workout tool. 

Classic Rock and Blues Net Radio