
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: dicnic on January 16, 2009, 09:53:03 AM

Title: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: dicnic on January 16, 2009, 09:53:03 AM
Just wondering ...... does anybody select their bowling balls by color? I mean, do they have their arsenal made up of similarly colored balls?

I don't even know if it possible. They would not have to match exactly, but close. Maybe there are some bowlers who are so madly in love with a color that they buy all their balls the same color.

Anybody do this or know of anyone who does it?

Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: Joe Jr on January 16, 2009, 05:56:15 PM
My Vid (http://"¤t=08.flv")
Columbia bowls the world over
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: noturcuzin on January 16, 2009, 05:58:59 PM
It's not about colors, it's about performance. With that being said, no I don't, nor do I know of anyone who does.
CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997  
JOHN CANDY:1950-1994
JOHN BELUSHI:1949-1982  
"NO RESPECT, I GET NO RESPECT."-the great Rodney Dangerfield

InSite Bowling Products:2004-2008

Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: mrbowlingnut on January 16, 2009, 11:09:30 PM
In Asian culture very rarely is green a bowling ball color.
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: ValentinoBowling on January 17, 2009, 02:42:29 AM
I think you'd be suprised how much color comes into people decisions, whether subconscious or conscious.

I think ebonite really missed the mark by not making the hot sauce a fiery red and orange pearl

makers of Snake Oil, Remedy RX & Resurrection
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: kidlost2000 on January 17, 2009, 02:43:11 AM
I don't select a ball on color. But I've never owned a bolwing ball I thought was ugly.

Companies spend a lot of money to make a good product and then to market it. The more appealing the better the sales the more likly others are to buy it.

And if it is a bad product they will still get some sales just for the appeal/look of the product that helps keep it from being a total loss.

Look at how many people buy a bowling ball because someone else is using it and scoring well with it and may not even be the right ball for what they need.....but it is the ball they think they want.
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: actsbowler21 on January 17, 2009, 06:43:06 AM
believe it or not people.. there are more people out there that are OCD (not meant to be a joke as I am partially OCD on things too) on color of bowling balls. I have eight customers of my own that will not throw a ball that has red or even the slightest hint of red in it.. Thank God they dont stick with one company or I would have a hard time setting up arsenals for them.

I have some older customers who are very old school, and will only throw balls that have very little swirling of colors in it..imagine how hard that is to work.. A lot of Fury's and Uprisings to them.

But on the general consensus.. the answer to the question is NO..
Justin Buford
Orlando, FL

2009 Storm Bowling Staff Member
Rich Gibson's Pro Shop at Boardwalk Bowl Orlando, FL
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: novawagonmaster on January 17, 2009, 07:11:35 AM
Black balls clearly work the best
I would opt to order all balls in black if I could.
My recent favorites have been the 900G Break and the Lane #1 XXXL.
Back in the day, I was loving my Columbia U2.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~

Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: no300tj on January 17, 2009, 07:18:59 AM
I bought an Arsenal Artillery based on performance. I was just praying it wasn't going to be as hideous as most of the pictures I had seen. Thankfully, it is much better looking in person. maybe i should look into a New Breed solid.
whoever said size doesn't matter never had trouble with a thumbhole
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: qstick777 on January 17, 2009, 02:23:40 PM
Never purchased based on color, but I did have several people ask me if I only used purple balls.  I never realized it, but at one time most of my balls had purple as a main color.

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"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."

"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: themagician on January 17, 2009, 03:39:51 PM
I don't pick on color for the performance stuff, I have a system and color isn't factored in. And for balls that have different colors (tropicals etc.) I normally don't even pick, I just take whatever one there is, i'm not picky.

The only thing I do have to say on the color subject is that plain black bowling balls with inserts that can't be seen (black or clear) are the bomb, but i'd never pick a plain black ball over one because of the color only, its all about performance.

Edited on 1/17/2009 4:40 PM
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: jd1319 on January 17, 2009, 03:58:23 PM
I know someone who chooses his equipment based on color.  Fortunately, we were able to find a great choice for him in his preferred color, but it was not the ball that I would have picked for him if color wasn't an issue.
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: Stormkid84 on January 17, 2009, 06:08:27 PM
I have a teamate who picked up an Perfect Rival and a Virtual Gravity alondgwith a Gold, White, Black Zone.  He said he's only gonna throw ugly equipment.  Does that count?
Me: "These lanes are tight. I have 2 boards!"
My buddy with front 8: "Me too!"
Me: "Yeah, but yours both have arrows on them, and an arrow in between!"
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: psaunders300 on January 17, 2009, 06:21:28 PM
I have a friend that at one point was big on purple bowling balls.  He had a Hammer 3D offset, a Reaper and a purple Ogre...he did not understand why he should not pick balls by color, but we have since educated him.
Paul Saunders
USBC Bronze Level Coach
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: AdrianS on January 17, 2009, 07:49:13 PM
Ive seen some good bowlers not want a ball because of its colour/feel. A buddy of mine loved his 'tude1. Told him to get a 'tude3 to which he replied "Dont like the colour" His stepmother was the same about the Storm La Nina "ewwww it feels all fuzzy and horrible!!!"
Time for some REAL bowling!!!
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: renoatpikeville on January 17, 2009, 07:57:52 PM
Well I dont really pick bowling balls based on color and not that I did it intentionally but I ended up with 6 balls that were all of a purple I was at a tournament and all the balls were purple (or some shade/hue close to it.)
Fury Pearl, Fury Pearl TE, they matched perfectly...ha. Fury Solid (mine had some purple streaks) Total Inferno (kind of a stretch) Revolution Progres ISM (purple pearl) and finally Revolution Pro Real-Speed (also purple but darker).
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: darklcd on January 17, 2009, 08:26:52 PM
I'm seeing a trend here, and that's that companies make a lot of purple balls. The only two bowling balls I own are a Phenom Unleashed and The Rising, both purple, but it was purely coincidence, I didn't choose them for the color.
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: Pat Patterson on January 17, 2009, 10:13:13 PM
My current 4-ball arsenal for my THS consists of the following:

Black Pearl
Black Pearl Reactive
Sting (Black)
Legends Arrow Spare Ball (Black)

Pat Patterson
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: Artimust on January 18, 2009, 12:29:31 AM
I know if a guy who will not throw anything other than black.  He will use black inserts and will also black out the logos and the pin too.
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: KingofKings696 on January 18, 2009, 07:58:19 AM
Well most of my equipment has purple in it (purple sumo, purple rhino pro, gravity shift, awesome flip and I just got rid of my rising) I do put a pink thumb slug in my balls(converting some old slugs over soon) I do this as nobody else uses pink slugs locally and it allows me to find my balls easuer on a full ball rack.
Title: Re: All Balls Same Color?
Post by: LuvThatWhiteDot on January 18, 2009, 12:19:56 PM
For reactive I won't pick on color, but for a plastic spare ball, why not??
White Dot
Every time I hear the word exercise, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.