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Author Topic: All or None  (Read 1759 times)


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All or None
« on: December 11, 2003, 09:35:00 PM »
Many people swear by a single company for their equipment ("I'm an Ebonite guy" or "I only use Brunswick" or "If you're not using a buzzsaw, you're just sawdust"). Other people will avoid using anything from a company ("Storm balls hit like purses" or "Track balls are all *#$&!").


Aside from obvious reasons, such as staff members, I'm curious as to why people fall into one (or both) of the above categories.

Do you?  Is it brand loyalty?  Have you had a good experience with customer service?  Have you just simply had good luck with one brand of equipment?  Tell me why and what it would take to change your stance, if anything would.

(ps - I'm not a staffer for anyone, a ball seller, or receive any income from the sale of equipment.  I'm just very curious)
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Re: All or None
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2003, 12:49:15 PM »
I like Brunswick stuff, but I also like Storm. In my main bag, I have brunswick, storm, and the only Columbia ball I own. (and the brunswick spare ball...)
But - in the secondary 4 ball bag, I have 3 brunswick balls.
I don't want to limit my game by only going with one ball manufacturer. I also feel that the folks who limit themselves to one manufacturer are possibly holding back their game. Different mfgs. have different looks, and I think I have a great combination to cover almost every condition out there.

Here's my stuff - somewhat in order of most use:
Storm X-Factor Deuce
Columbia Reaction Rev
Brunswick Inferno
Brunswick Smash/R
Brunswick Raging Inferno
Storm original El Nino
Brunswick Speed Zone
Track Triton Elite Pearl
AMF Nighthawk Torque Pearl
Brunswick Danger Zone
Brunswick Monster Frenzy
Brunswick Monster Scream/R
Brunswick Eliminator
Storm Too Hot
RotoGrip Sonic X
Lane #1 XXXL

The last 6 are balls that each have less than 2 games on them - I need to work with them a bit more and figure out which ones I'm gonna keep.

But - although my overall preference is brunswick, that's just average - my very favorite at the moment (for results) is the deuce.

I should add (on edit)-
I have had balls from:
that I couldn't stand, and sold fairly quickly.
So it's not just that every ball from any manufacturer meets my needs either!

Edited on 12/12/2003 1:49 PM
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Re: All or None
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2003, 01:04:13 PM »
I've used a ton of different manufacturers, and a ton of different balls for that matter.  Since summer league started up until now I've thrown/owned at least 40 different balls.(5-6 months)

There are a handful of companies I will continue to buy from because they give me the best reaction that I'm looking for.  There are also a handful of companies I don't even want to read about on this site, let alone buy their product.

I also found that I prefer the "little" companies over the corporate mogul types, or even larger scale companies.

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Re: All or None
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2003, 01:14:55 PM »
for me...I am sold on Track...Seems their equipment matches up my game well. More importantly I think, is that I seems to really have a grasp of what each ball they make is supposed to do ..if that makes sense.    Have tried all companies (except Lane 1, MoRich, AZO)......Brunswick never worked for me...Storm had isolated cases...(Thunderflash) that worked well.  Ebonite....too early mostly for me......Columbia...worked well.....but seems Track and me go together the best.  Haven't had a bad instance with them...seems that I can see what I want the ball to do...match that up with what Track offers, know how to have it drilled....and will do exactly as expected....

My arsenal is complete...6 balls.....3 particle.....3 reactive......have every condition concievable only problem area that arises is from the bowler.....
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Re: All or None
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2003, 01:42:06 PM »
I use to use mostly Ebonite, until numerous problems with "cracking" of the covers. I have used Columbia, and Storm also in the past.

 Have used balls from Roto and Dyno Thane, and really enjoy seeing some of the comments from both companies on this forum.

 I have also found that I also really prefer the smaller companies such as Lane 1 and AZO. Not so much with the Buzzsaws but with the AZO's I really enjoy seeing some one look at a ball I have on the rack and ask "Who makes that"?  

 Since using the Buzzsaws and a couple of AZO's, I have not yet had a big problem with the cracking of cover stock as I did with the Ebonite balls.


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Re: All or None
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2003, 02:41:54 PM »
Some good points made gang - thanks for the feedback so far.

[snip]... I have felt they all produce good balls and that I could pick any ball at random and it would work fine for me as long as it is drilled correctly for my style and that I use the ball on the condition for which it was intended.[snip]

According to the experts, what Bones mentions above is key to scoring today: It is essential that your equipment compliment your style of bowling and the conditions you're bowling on.  Unfortunately either you must gain the knowledge to make the best decisions or find someone who can help you to do so.  But that is another post.

I have often wondered if we were to take 4 balls from 4 different companies and make them blank and the same color(black) and drilled according to the companies recommendation that we could tell a particle of difference.

Wish I could pick out all of my equipment this way. I'll admit that I love going to "demo-days" or "ball expos" (or whatever they're called near you) and throwing all different kinds of stuff.  Having everything blank would just force us to make our decision on ball reaction.

If you check my profile, you'll see that I use balls from a variety of manufacturers.  I've wanted to try some stuff from other companies as well, but haven't had the money.  However, I do find myself avoiding Brunswick (sorry Mumzie) for a couple of reasons even though it makes absolutely no sense for me to do so.  Good post though Mumzie - any old arsenal list isn't as good as an arsenal list the way you've arranged and described yours.
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Re: All or None
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2003, 08:00:41 PM »
I have no allegiance to any company.

I have tried balls from most of the major manufacturers. I buy based on specifications and reviews. I know what works for me and try to stay in a certain range. I also try to find something a little different for times
when it might be needed.

I am predominantly using a Brunswick Inferno but I have started using a Roto Grip Silver Streak Pearl along with the Inferno. I also own 1 Dynothane, 1 Buzzsaw, 2 Columbia, 1 Track, 1 Ebonite and I just traded of a Hammer for a Storm.

The only reason I have two Columbia balls is I use a White Dot for spares.

I  guess if I had to say which company I prefer, it would be Brunswick.
I have had more success with them but I know when I find the "magical" ball,
it may be from a different company.

I would list all the balls I have tried then sold or traded but it would
take up too much of Bruce's bandwidth.


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Re: All or None
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2003, 08:34:36 PM »
Well Im a Storm man myself, but I also love Brunswick. (I don't currently bowl with any Brunswick stuff though) There are four main reason I bowl with mainly Storm:

1) In my house centre when I started getting serious the only good balls they stocked were Storm.

2) Tried Columbia and failed. Mostly because I was expecting Columbia stuff to be similar to storm so I got it drilled accordingly.

3) The Storm range (Just like the Brunswick range) has a ball that covers almost every different lane condition.

4) There Websites user-friendly and I can get a good idea of the balls going to do. Unlike the Ebonite website were you don't know what balls going to do what.

Thats about it really, were I am no one buys heaps of gear and I dont get to see the balls in action so the internet is really all I get to see, Like my Deuce I had never seen one until I order it in and drilled it up...
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