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Author Topic: all these years of reading about cracking...  (Read 2962 times)


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all these years of reading about cracking...
« on: December 14, 2009, 07:24:13 AM »
Ever since I came back to bowling after the first period away from the game (most of the early resin era up through 2000), I have been reading people talk about equipment that just up and cracked for no apparent reason.  Always was left wondering how that could happen...

Well...still wondering HOW it happens, but I found out yesterday that I lost my Storm Core Power LRG as it simply did nothing but sit in the closet.  It has probably been four years since I threw it (close to that long since I bowled anything anywhere it seems) and so it has done nothing but occupy space in a bag.  

This was one of those big, all the way around the ball cracks with separation so noticable, you can see the core under the shell ALL THE WAY around the crack.  

Strange things I tell ya...


Mike E

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Re: all these years of reading about cracking...
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 07:00:58 PM »
I have had 3 balls crack open on me and they were all sitting on a ball rack in the house under climate controlled situations.One was a Track(Desert or Dry Heat, Can't remember which) an AMF VP2, and Visionary Green Gargoyle. The newest and least used was the Green Gargoyle.It completely split and looked like the earth would if you could see the tetonic plates. There might be something to the cover not having any oil in it for lack of use. My Gargoyle had maybe 2 games on it.Just didn't see enough oil at my house to throw it.

                              Mike E