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Author Topic: All you low trackers... I need your 2 cents  (Read 659 times)


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All you low trackers... I need your 2 cents
« on: December 20, 2008, 04:31:48 AM »
Ok I need some advice. It was time to buy my wife a new ball. Specs are 13 to 14 mph. track is pretty low. Conditions are new synthetics, almost always medium to heavier oil. I actually found a nib original x factor for her. One of storms best ever IMO. So where would you place the pin. I will be marking her pap with a piece of tape tonight at league on her old ball so I can get it perfect. Pin is out 3". So, Pin above, below, distance, mb placement, any and all advice appreciated!



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Re: All you low trackers... I need your 2 cents
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2008, 12:54:14 PM »
Assuming that she has medium to low revs to go along with the low track, I would recommend drilling pin below and 3/38 from pap.  Place the cg 3/38 from pap also and just below the center line.  This layout should produce maximum hook, but you might want to put a flare increasing weight hole.  As she is a low tracker (as am I) you should have no trouble placing the weight hole 2 inches past her pap and one inch below.  I prefer to use a smaller deeper hole to produce a little more snap at the end, but if you want it to have more of an arc use a bigger shallower weight hole.

Just my $.02.
220...221...whatever it takes.

Edited on 12/20/2008 1:54 PM


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Re: All you low trackers... I need your 2 cents
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2008, 06:36:57 PM »
My first suggestion is to sell that ball to me and get her something else. (g) On a half-serious note, if it's a 15-pounder, Jeff Carter has been looking for one.

Back to reality -- your wife and my wife sound like carbon copies of one another. Assuming her PAP is about where my wife's is, I've found that putting the pin over the bridge is about as far right as I can go. Anything shorter than that and the ball starts up too early for her. I'd get the MB about 4:30 to the thumb and about an inch away. Get the CG somewhere in the general vicinity of grip center.

I've got a X-Factor in my personal arsenal, and I can tell you it's still plenty strong for today's conditions. So you're not going to have to give her a lot of help unless she has zero revs.
