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Author Topic: How many 300's in one night?  (Read 1451 times)


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How many 300's in one night?
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:49:51 PM »
I was curious as to all the 300's being thrown these days how many have you seen in one night of league?  This past monday I saw 4 300's thrown and two weeks before that I saw 3 in one night.  I think it'd be funny to see how many people have seen in one night, a huge number like 15 would crack me up.

I'm wondering when the USBC will be coming BACK to inspect the shot again.  They were at the house two years ago and forced them to change it...and they did for about 2 weeks and then back to the old one lol.  They'll be back soon I'm sure.
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Re: How many 300's in one night?
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2008, 07:03:45 PM »
3 weeks ago we watched the 3rd and 4th bowler on the lanes next to us finish the night with 300 for each of them. There was also a 813 and a 796 series on the same pair. (The one guy who rolled 300/796 rolled 556 the following week).


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Re: How many 300's in one night?
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2008, 07:35:07 PM »
In a league down in Pontiac Area near Detroit. North Hill Lanes Budweiser Doubles. 300, 300, 256, 300 in 1 night moving lanes after 2 games. Many moons ago, but i never have been tuned into a shot like this before and probably never will again. I tripped a couple of 4 pins and everything else was dead flush. I was throwing a Columbia Pirahna. 1156 for 4 and swept the jackpots.

Edited on 12/19/2008 8:50 PM


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Re: How many 300's in one night?
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2008, 08:39:18 PM »
The most I've seen in one night was two, and they were shot back to back by my cousin's son and thankfully it wasn't against our team.

Oh, and he won the Best Two sidepot that night with 600

White Dot
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Re: How many 300's in one night?
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2008, 08:22:21 AM »
Just the other night when I bowled mine, one other 300 was thrown and also a 299...that's the most I've seen...


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Re: How many 300's in one night?
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2008, 06:46:34 AM »
USBC will not be back this year to your center. The rule now is you get inspected by your local association 1 time before the season starts. They take your lane condition tapes, read them and then you get a passing grade. That's it for the year. 1 inspection and done.

Absolutely.  And its not a change that most local associations are happy about.  But there's nothing we can do.  USBC has no teeth and if you want to blame high scoring and loss of integridy, put USBC/ABC at the top of your list.  

Even when we could go in every 45 days or so, the center doesn't pass and they get a "demerit".  So what?  You recheck them, they still don't pass, another demertite.  So what?  You recheck them again....still don't  Nothing happens.  3, 4 times a center doesn't pass and no reprocussions.  Now not even that process is in place.  
