Currently bowling on wood lanes twice a week. My Thursday league has three of us basically playing the same line around 15-20 at the arrows and this is causing the lanes to burn up in my sweet spot.
I'm currently throwing a ping down IQ Tour Fusion, which I love, but I think I need something else for game two.
I think I want to try moving inside because I'm more comfortable doing that than moving outside, so I'm thinking something strong so I can still stay aggressive.
I currently carry the pin down Fusion, a Frantic (which I also love, but only when it dries up a little more, and a Defiant Soul (not really great for wood).
I'm thinking about getting a Primal Rage because I've wanted to try Motiv, I know it's got a super recovery ability, and I think it will allow me to get in deeper than my teamates.
I've made the Fusion work great, but it's starting to get up there in games and doesn't perform as well as it used to.
Does this logic make sense? Any other suggestions?