Shotmaker's wife here again....
Just wanting to point out (being new to leagues, I hadn't thought to mention this), but I didn't have an established average until I bowled a few games the first few weeks. But shotmaker's average, as we've noted already, was 210 last year in the same house. He came in with a 210 average. Mr. Complainer's average from last year was 212 in that house. And the other complainer's average was 214 last year in that house. Aren't the rules supposed to be made according to the established averages before the season starts? Now in the first few weeks, due to shotmaker's practicing a lot, and a new oil pattern this year, he starts averaging 232, and the guys who averaged 212/214 last year are now down to 192, the league is supposed to change to accomodate them? I would agree that if they all came in with such a disparity between their averages (shotmaker's 232 to their 192), it would be an issue, but they CAME INTO the season with averages HIGHER than shotmaker's!!! Gotta love it. Again, I say who cares, go ahead and change it, but it's the SPIRIT in which these complaints are made that are bothersome. And it's also very dishonest of the complainers to complain about our team having a "30 pin advantage", when it's really the pots that they're concerned about. When we suggested directly to them that we could switch to a team average, they shot right back, "yeah, but what about the pots?". They're not concerned with their team winning or losing, they're concerned that this year they're not sweeping the pots like they did last year, and they're mad. As SrKegler noted, they didn't count on shotmaker being in the league this year nor did they count on a new oil machine putting out a different pattern when they lobbied for that change in handicap average last year (which, if they had kept up their average from last year, and shotmaker hadn't been around, would have benefitted them GREATLY - now that it's not benefitting them anymore, they don't like it). That's our big problem.
But for those of you who did understand the point, thank you very much. I AM enjoying league a lot, and look forward to it every week. Our team is wonderful, and 95% of the teams we play have been great people. We've made lots of friends, and had lots of laughs and enjoyed lots of good, friendly competition.
It's too bad that there always has to be a couple of spoiled apples to try and ruin the whole barrel!!