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Author Topic: alot has changed since i stopped  (Read 725 times)

trying it again

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alot has changed since i stopped
« on: November 13, 2004, 02:01:08 PM »
Hi folks,
  I have once again started bowling, after a ten year layoff.  I Had to quit because of arm and elbow problems.  I am fine now but have not had the want or desire to "turn" the ball like I used to.  I want the ball to do the work now. I do put some "fingers" in the ball but I am trying my best to make it as forward a roll as possible.  The problem is, My "track" isn't as near the thumb as it was before. Is this caused by my release or the new style balls we are using now?  Also, I have tried a few different balls and the 3 piece balls seem to be very unforgiving if I turn my arm or wrist at all.  I am looking for a ball that gives a little and will work on different lane conditions.  I know that is asking alot, but as long as it don't go crazy at every little change in the lanes or me, I would be more than happy to buy it.  I am currently throwing an old TREMOR, it is a good ball but has seen much better days.  I don't know a thing about all this rg and cg and all this new tech, so please be simple with your answers.  (I aint the brightest bulb in the marquees, but I can and will learn.)    Thanks, Bruce



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Re: alot has changed since i stopped
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2004, 09:56:42 AM »
Many excellent points made here, especially the observation of Bakes by Bones. Having had the pleasure of bowling with Bakes and Angelo, both of which have "soft hands" (Bakes less power than Brad), you still need to impart some power.

As to mid-price, the BVP/Monster series by Brunswick is excellent (also the power groove is a great low priced ball), as well as the Sonic series by Roto Grip, the Blade Series by Hammer, Tornado's by Ebonite, Storm has some great balls at mid-line prices as well as Columbia. It will probably be best to have a good fitter/driller see how you throw, and know what conditions you may be facing.....then take it one step at a time, as Bob said.

Personally I would look at a solid rather than a pearl to help with initial control of over/under. Good luck and welcome back to this wonderful sport.
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trying it again

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Re: alot has changed since i stopped
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2004, 08:32:29 PM »
Thanks folks,
  Maybe I better clear up a few things though.  I don't dump the ball at the line, unless the conditions warrant that.  And yes by the third game where I am presently bowling league, they do.  What i meant to say is that although I do put some hand or fingers into the shot, I want to keep it as forward of a roll as possible.  Stay straight behind the ball, not off to the side any more than I have to.  The reason for this is two fold.  One, and most important, when I bowled ten years ago, I was shooting 7 leagues in 6 nights, it ruined my arm because I "cranked" the side out of everything.  I don't want that pain and loss of control that came with the changeing lane conditions.  I would like to have a nice gentle roll with a ball that "breaks" more gradual.  Second From what I have seen so far the newer eguipment are making the lanes change at a much faster rate.  I don't mind spending the money for a few different balls, but I am hoping to find a ball that I can at least have a chance of throwing well on the changing lane conditions.  I hope this helps.
  I have a good friend that does all my drilling and we have bowled together and against each other for along time.  He knew how I threw back then and he says he can't believe the difference in how I throw now.  Amazing what ten years can do to a body.  I have been lucky enough to maintain a 200 even average so far, but I think I can do a little better.  That is about 20 under what I used to throw and would like to see that again.  I will be very happy if I can find the consistency to hold where I am at, but I am one that always wants to do better. I hope that don't sound arrogant.  
  Thanks for all the diferent suggestions, I will talk to a few diffeernt proshops about them all.         Bruce

trying it again

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Re: alot has changed since i stopped
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2004, 07:48:16 PM »
Bob Hanson,
  Thanks for saying that.  LOL....i was afraid I was usoing that as an excuse.  You are very right in saying alot of guys are making their own shot, my sone does that.  If he starts out where everyone else is shooting, he moves asap so his shot will stay there a little longer.  I don't do that to much.  I tried starting deep inside a few weeks ago and although it worked, everyone else seen it and moved to.  I went back right and got the same response, they followed again.  The funny thing was, Chris stayed where he was at and shot a high 7 while he laughed at what was going on.  But then he is good enough to throw on about any shot anyway.  I wish i had his speed, 17 plus on about every shot.  18-19 on spares.   I think that has alot to do with his success to. When his ball hits a "dry" spot, it goes right through it, mine grabs because of the slower speed.  We have talked about it before and have watched each others balls react. His higher speed has it's advantges.  Best of luck to ya'll

"When you learn to control your temper, you will be a much better bowler"    My advice many years ago to my took real well