No problems Cpt, taking Friday nite off from work, couldn't get Sat nite since I just took 2 days off last weekend. Have to work occasionally

That'll give us all day Sat for running around, bowling, supper. Don't have to be in till midnite but nites are slow, can get in a little nap time and see you guys off Sunday.
Lanes aren't any problem. Just remember what happens when you bowl at one of my houses. Loooong drive back. Maybe you could talk to your bowling alley and borrow some of their bricks to help build a wall down here.
So far there isn't too much interest being shown for our little grudge match.
CYA, Darold
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Edited on 8/12/2004 1:30 PM