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Author Topic: Alton Il get together  (Read 870 times)


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Alton Il get together
« on: August 09, 2004, 09:16:14 PM »
I've already e-mailed a few of the locals.

I'm setting up a little get together at Riverboat Lanes, Alton Il for 1:00 PM Sat Aug 21.

CaptainHook is coming down from Michigan with his wife, Mrs Kegler thinks she can give both of us a run for out money.

So far its just the 4 of us.

I'm pretty sure I can get lanes for $1 a game.  If interested, reply here or drop me a message.

Bragging rights only, if we have enough people interested, I"ll see about getting a trophy made up.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones



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Re: Alton Il get together
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 01:02:41 PM »
Darold, how's the weekend looking ? we will be down there Friday night 8/20

don't know where we are staying yet  ??  looks like around the alton, N. St Louis area  

Just remember, I won't hold back this time, I'm bringing all my stuff, and the wife too !!
<font size="5"></font><font face="Script MT Bold"></font><font color="orange"></font>"THE ONE AND ORIGINAL CAPTAIN HOOK" NO IMITATIONS !!! <img border="0" align="center" src="/Forum/icon_smile_approve.gif"  alt="" /> 2002 MICHIGAN SCRATCH SINGLES CHAMPION<strong></strong>


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Re: Alton Il get together
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2004, 01:36:39 PM »
No problems Cpt, taking Friday nite off from work, couldn't get Sat nite since I just took 2 days off last weekend.  Have to work occasionally .  

That'll give us all day Sat for running around, bowling, supper.  Don't have to be in till midnite but nites are slow, can get in a little nap time and see you guys off Sunday.

Lanes aren't any problem.  Just remember what happens when you bowl at one of my houses.  Loooong drive back.  Maybe you could talk to your bowling alley and borrow some of their bricks to help build a wall down here.

So far there isn't too much interest being shown for our little grudge match.  

CYA, Darold
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"

Edited on 8/12/2004 1:30 PM
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones