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Author Topic: Alton, IL & Srkegler, Mrskegler  (Read 629 times)


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Alton, IL & Srkegler, Mrskegler
« on: August 24, 2004, 03:57:11 PM »
well the wife and I traveled 700+ miles to Alton , IL                          to visited srkegler and his wife and we had a great time as always

the weather was great, dinner on Friday night was excellent(thanks Kegler)
took my daughter to see the arch, with the Cardinals playing ball, and a free concert at the arch we couldn't get very close on saturday, we went back on sunday morning and got some sight seeing done.

got to meet amigo2 ?? sorry if the name is not right !!
the bowling on Saturday was great, lanes were hooking early, I felt right at home !!  wish more people would have shown up !! maybe next time

Mrskegler made a stuffed dog for my daughter, that she really likes
and she sent a lady bug home for my katie bug she hasn't put it down yet !!

got some good photo's of her with it will send to you and the mrs. when they get developed.

got to get you guy's up to Michigan one of these Day's

if you ever get the chance to bowl with srkegler do it !!!

looking forward to the next encounter !!

don't worry Darold I won't post the scores

<font size="5"></font><font face="Script MT Bold"></font><font color="orange"></font>"THE ONE AND ORIGINAL CAPTAIN HOOK" NO IMITATIONS !!! <img border="0" align="center" src="/Forum/icon_smile_approve.gif"  alt="" /> 2002 MICHIGAN SCRATCH SINGLES CHAMPION<strong></strong>



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Re: Alton, IL & Srkegler, Mrskegler
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2004, 12:34:37 AM »
Don't blame you for not posting the scores.  Amigo2 took you 3 straight, I took you the last game when it counted.  Theoritically, you bowled 4 games, lost em all.  Can I pick ringers to bring in on you or what.

Remember what I told you about old age and treachery

Glad they liked the animals.  Next outing will be something that Michiganbowling sets up, probably early next year.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

If it has teats or tires, you are going to have problems.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones