
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: trash heap on June 27, 2008, 05:21:18 AM

Title: Am I bagger????
Post by: trash heap on June 27, 2008, 05:21:18 AM
I only used Urethane Equipment on league night for the past season. My league arsenal did not contain any reactive equipment.(Stingray/C, Scout Hi-flare Urethane, Lane #1 XXXL, and White DOT).

I always bowl in Local and State Tournaments. This year went to those tournaments with a 213 average from previous year (Reactive Equipment on THS). This year's average is 200. Difference of 13 pins a game. I can honestly state that I am a better bowler this year than previous year. I am more consistent, better spare shooter, and definitely more focused. I bagger???

Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: KDawg77 on June 27, 2008, 01:22:33 PM
You're only a bagger is you don't give effort on purpose, not by ball choice.
Videos at
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: Jorge300 on June 27, 2008, 01:24:39 PM
If you used urethane equipment for sole purpose of lowering your average to take advantage of added handicap in tournaments, then yes. If you did it in order to improve your overall game, and you don't use the additional handicap for an advantage, then no.

Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: 1MechEng on June 27, 2008, 01:36:00 PM
Depends - do you have an established tournament avg. - and if so, do you use it (or just your league average?

Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: trash heap on June 27, 2008, 01:52:28 PM
Jorge I definitely did this to become better. It seemed like last year I hit a plateau in my ability. I wasn't getting better. The main problem I found after bowling this year with Urethane was my concentration. On THS with reactive I had no focus most nights. The only thing I had to do was stand left and throw right. Make adjustments with feet only keeping the ball in oil. Poor throws still got strikes.

This year in league has been a humbling experience in reference to score. I would make good shots (what I thought were good based from previous year) and leave pins up there while my opponents are carrying everything in the world.

I do not have tournament average. If I was to have a tournament average from the past years I would guess it would be less than my current 200 average. I have played on some pretty tough conditions.

This year at states was my best series in singles I ever had (691 scratch).

Edited on 6/27/2008 1:57 PM
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: Nails on June 27, 2008, 02:31:02 PM
If you used urethane equipment for sole purpose of lowering your average to take advantage of added handicap in tournaments, then yes. If you did it in order to improve your overall game, and you don't use the additional handicap for an advantage, then no.

The exact point I was trying to make in the other post.  If you're doing something to lower your average for the purpose of getting more pins in a handicap environment, you're a bagger.

If you go through a process similar to what you describe and your average drops 20 pins and you enter in a ton of handicap events and clean up, you're not technically a bagger, but it might not be completely moral.  I guess the right thing to do is explain the situation to each tournament director.  If they choose to re rate you based on your previous average or tournament average, you should accept it.
Telling it like it is.
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: Steven on June 27, 2008, 02:36:44 PM
I guess the right thing to do is explain the situation to each tournament director. If they choose to re rate you based on your previous average or tournament average, you should accept it.

The above is the correct answer for anyone not bowling up their full scoring potential in league. If you use Urethane in league but use resin in tournaments, you have the moral/ethical responsibility to disclose.

I think a tournament director would lose it in this pants if anyone actually came forward with such honesty.  
"I wonder if Lane#1 really do have something going with this diamond core theory?" Direct quote from Absolutebowling before he lost his mind....
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: gsback on June 27, 2008, 02:46:26 PM
I would agree with Steven on that as well.

If it were me....the question would be asked how I felt if I found out the person who won did what you did and he beat me out!!

The only other thing I would suggest is your rationale of equipment for said tourneys.  If you go to them throwing the same urethane and shoot lights out....that can happen any night and you shot with the same equipment.

If you come in touting all the new stuff, resin, particle and pearls and all....then I would think you may want to rethink your approach and stay away from tournaments.
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!!  

g thing is back....with a vengeance!!  
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: Gazoo on June 27, 2008, 03:06:00 PM
If you used reactive equipment during the tournament, then yes. If you used urethane, no. This is sort of like the bowler who guzzles beer all night during leagues and averages 188, and only drinks water during tournaments and averages 215 but doesn't think he is bagging. If he guzzled beer during the tournament he wouldn't.
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: trash heap on June 27, 2008, 03:16:51 PM
Well I have never won a tournament. The only handicap ones I go to are locals and states (at those I only enter Scratch brackets. Don't want to deal with handicap)...every other tournament is scratch. The closest I ever got to winning was a local scratch tournament (4th place - mostly luck of the draw on who I bowled). My 691 at states isn't going get me any cash. Add in my other 2 series (Doubles - 580, Team - 565) that gives me a 204 average at states.

I am going to bowl with Urethane again this year in league. Who knows my average might be over 210...That would be GREAT!!!

I usually wouldn't even bother with something like this but this is the first year my average dropped considerably (13 pins).

Can you just put a higher average in the tournament entry form and give no explanation?


Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: rackattack on June 27, 2008, 03:33:41 PM
Baggers do not bowl scratch.
You bowl scratch.
You are not a bagger.
What gear you use is up to you.
It's all about the X  

Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: Gazoo on June 28, 2008, 07:39:14 AM
"Can you just put a higher average in the tournament entry form and give no explanation?"

Just use your 213(high book) which is your real average and there shouldn't be any problems.

Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: LuckyLefty on June 28, 2008, 08:25:43 AM


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: 302efi on June 29, 2008, 07:03:48 PM
Now are you only going to use Urethane Equipment in the touneys ?

If not, then yes thats bagging.

Since your avg is 13 pins lower with the Urethane, why would you use reactive gear in the tourneys now ?...To gain an advantage ?..hmm...
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: rackattack on June 29, 2008, 08:49:41 PM
So if you use any equipment in tourneys other than your league gear thats bagging.
I don't think so.
It's all about the X  

Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: 302efi on June 29, 2008, 09:04:03 PM
rackattack - If he established the avg with that gear, using "better" gear in a tourney is not having an advatange since your coming in with a Urethane avg ?!?!

If he stays with the Urethane gear, no problem....but when hes uses the good gear with the Urethane avg, then theres a problem !
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: EagleHunter on June 29, 2008, 09:34:44 PM
So what if the equipment wasn't urethane, but a brand new Black Widow Bite drilled NEGATIVE?

To the average player, the BWB is a hook monster plain and simple, if drilled normally. Drilled this way, on most conditions, it would be pretty tough to score as normal.  It would be a good tournament ball, but on a THS would be pretty worthless, unless conditions were perfect.

What if one bowled the entire league season with his tournament arsenal, one ball per night, regardless of how it worked?  Knowing that this arsenal would be used in any tournaments bowled in, would this be bagging?

Bagging, according to the rules, is simply a matter of intent.  If you intend to improve your game and try to the best of your ability, you are not bagging regardless of score OR the potential effect on one's handicap.  

Does this allow for loopholes?  ABSOLUTELY.  But sadly true intent usually cannot be determined to the point of bringing charges of bagging and getting them to stick.
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: 302efi on June 29, 2008, 09:43:57 PM
So what if

EagleHunter ~ We can "what if " thsi until the world blows up.

What if someone particed spare shooting in there league on both balls ??...Can you use that 60avg to enter a touney ?...but I was really tring to better my spare game !
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: The SuperHitMan on June 29, 2008, 10:07:22 PM

EagleHunter ~ We can "what if " thsi until the world blows up.

What if someone particed spare shooting in there league on both balls ??...Can you use that 60avg to enter a touney ?...but I was really tring to better my spare game !

LOL Good Point!

Founder of H Phi H

Member of Hoss Central Inc

-Ive been called Cocky and Arrogant thorughout my career...Being humble is alright and all but I prefer to Shut my critics up and Shut'em Down and if that makes me Cocky and Arrogant then  I am what I am- K.C.D

I don't care if my signature is long. Deal with it.

If THS is so easy why dont you have a 220+ average

Win or Go Home...Shwosh-The SuperHitMan

Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: EagleHunter on June 29, 2008, 10:14:21 PM
Actually, not a good point since 302 is the one who made the "what if"..."good" v. "bad" equipment argument.

If you want to make a point, then be prepared to defend it as I attempted to do.

Otherwise...what if I pretended to not own any equipment at all and bowled the whole season with a poorly fitted house ball, then showed up at tournaments with a 1st class arsenal?

Again, unless you can prove intent you have nothing.
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: nextbowler on June 29, 2008, 10:28:29 PM
Any time that you bowl, while not trying to bowl your best, yes, you are a
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: tenpin477 on June 29, 2008, 10:40:27 PM
He is trying to bowl his best, just with Urethane equipment. Why you would bring 2 plastic balls is beyond me, extra luggage lol, but that is not bagging.
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: 302efi on June 29, 2008, 11:24:23 PM
My point is if he uses the same gear in the tourneys that he used in leagues to establish the 200, then were fine.

The second he uses the good & better gear, then hes using the lower entering to his advantage.

Although, whats the problem with him going in and reporting his avg as 213 instead of 200, is that within the rules ?

It would be pretty bad if he wins something by only a couple sticks entering with the 200 avg when it should have been higher given the gear he was using in league to establish the lower avg.

Tell you what, I'm gonna Email USBC and see what they have to say on this and I'll point them to this topic. I'll update when they return my Email.
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke

Edited on 6/29/2008 11:31 PM
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: nextbowler on June 30, 2008, 02:11:14 AM
All things considered, he does not bowl the best that he can--therefore
he is bagging.
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: stormerjip on June 30, 2008, 02:48:24 AM
IMHO all things considered he is bowling to the best of his ability given the circumstances.  The rules do not specify that you must use same quality equipment to bowl tournaments than you do to establish average.  They would not be able to prove that he could bowl better with the other gear than he did during the season.  They could say the shot changed and became harder and therefore that accounted for the drop in average.  

thats like say the toxic came out you used it for all season to establish average, but then wait the psycho came out which theoretically is a better more advanced better carrying ball  someone could come up to you and say you cant use that cause thats not the ball you used in league, or better yet any time you buy a ball during the summer you cant use it because you didnt use it when you were bowling for your average.  

to me thats like saying well I bowled say a recreational bowler starts bowling averages 150 for half season but gets injured and while he is injured is replaced on the team.   since hes replaced he figures he wants to get better and try to make some money in tournaments with his friend  so he gets a coach and adds equipment and through practice is a solid 185 bowler consistently but has not established that are you going to ask him to turn in a higher average because the 150 is below his skill set and new equipment.  I dont see where is says he has practiced with the new equipment so all he knows is that last yr he averaged 213 we have no idea if that is still his true average so therefore is not fair to him without knowing.  

just like me my last few seasons of averages
2003-04 Rally'S/Randy's State Farm Scratch        Winter     215     81
2004-05 Friday Mixed           Winter     197     81
2005-06 Wednesday Night Men     Winter     188     93
2006-07 Nu Gas Mixed           Winter     173     99
2007-08 Sunday Adult/Youth     Winter     204     78

so by your logic since i have went downhill i should still report that i average 215 because for one year with certain ball I averaged that  but since then with different "better" equipment that I havent done that that  I still average 215

ok remind me never to bowl with you guys in tournament

show no mercy, kill the wounded, eat the dead
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: 302efi on June 30, 2008, 07:12:19 AM
stormerjip ~ The difference between the Toxic and the Psycho is nill.

I think you can see the difference between Urethane/plastic and reactive.
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: 9andaWiggle on June 30, 2008, 09:22:22 AM
Why does everyone think that just bringing different gear to the tourney will automatically increase his score?  I look at it as he has been bowling with urethane all year, and has likely gotten used to how that equipment reacts in different situations.  Likely, unless he's spent a lot of time with the reactive gear open bowling, he might not be as keen on when/where to make his move just because the urethane transitions are fresh in his mind.

Also, who's to say he wouldn't wind up using the urethane or plastic for half or better of the tournament due to the conditions present?  How many horror stories have been told of bowling on fried lanes in a tourney due to bowling late shifts, center staff incompetence (allowing open bowling prior to tourney and not re-oiling) or equipment problems?

I say take what you want to bowl with and don't worry about it. You'll probably have to use the 213 anyway due to the 10-pin rule (if memory serves me correctly).  Intent to bag is not there, IMO.  After all, if you're bowling a handicap tourney, the 30 pins per set will likely not make a difference to you when facing the real sandbaggers (meaning, you still won't cash high enough for anyone to care).  If the tourney is scratch, all is moot anyway.


It's a Sheep thing... You wouldn't understand!
Title: Re: Am I bagger????
Post by: n00dlejester on June 30, 2008, 09:38:53 AM
If you bowl scratch, you're fine.  Since you bowl handicap in only local tournaments, you're gold.  I think it's a great idea to be honest.  I might get a urethane ball or two and give this a shot.  Or maybe just weak resin and polish the crap out of them.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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