Please don’t be the guy that starts in THEN moves out, you’ll definitely look like a chump. Start playing as far right with as strong a ball as you can and just keep moving in parallel from there
I’ve been using a Tundra and a Tundra solid. Trying to start with the solid, then ball down to the pearl. Last night, I tried going to a Kinetic Amethyst, but that didn’t work too well as it was stronger than the Tundra pearl, but once I moved in enough to catch enough oil to get it downlane, it didn’t want to recover correctly.
I have a Mako Attack on the way, and will have it available to me by next week though, and can set it up for length and recovery, then try again.
I would start the same as you are now.
But when the shot starts to go away I would then make a bigger move in.
As you noted smaller moves don't work as you are just moving into the tracked area of the other players. You have got to get where you have some fresher oil in the middle to lean on. This might mean that you have go to a stronger ball to get it to recover.
OK, like I said earlier, I have a Mako Attack on the way. Clean, hybrid assym built for recovery. I’ll get it drilled to play deeper with a hard move off the spot and try playing in with it when the outside track I’m playing goes away.
Sounds like you guys were tending to agree with me building a trap for myself, then making the wrong adjustment. I knew something needed to change, just am not nearly mentally as sharp as I once was, and having trouble figuring this one out.
It’s hard to just go away altogether from what just gave you a 270-280 something game, but when it goes away, it totally goes away, and it just seems like there is no “minor†adjustment that even remotely works.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll try them out and see what happens. Ain’t no way it can be any worse than what I’m doing now, lol.