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Author Topic: Turbo Switch Grip  (Read 6336 times)


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Turbo Switch Grip
« on: March 02, 2009, 10:12:24 PM »
Any members used this ? What is your opinion of the switch grip ? Is it good ?
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 06:19:47 AM »
I use the system exclusively with my arsenal and love the feeling of consistency that it offers. Once you get the thumb feeling right for that day, any ball you choose to roll will feel just about the same (assuming your inserts are all the same size, etc.). Only one problem with the system that I have found is finding a pro shop that will drill the system for you.

Have recently had one of the inserts snap off at the base (last week in league) so make sure that you have at least 2 thumbs drilled to the same dimensions in case that happens to you too.

Hope that helps.

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Dan Belcher

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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 06:23:31 AM »
The Turbo Switch Grip system is OK, but not great.  Entirely too prone to breaking, too difficult to get the installation the same on several balls (the thumb slug might end up 1/8" lower in one ball than another pretty often from what I've seen).  The Vise IT system is much, much better in my opinion if you want an interchangeable thumb.  Much more durable, easier to install, and they actually feel very, very secure in the ball.  I forget that I have an interchangeable thumb in there most of the time, it feels just like a standard thumb slug securely glued in the ball.


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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 06:45:13 AM »
The Turbo Switch Grip system is OK, but not great. Entirely too prone to breaking, too difficult to get the installation the same on several balls (the thumb slug might end up 1/8" lower in one ball than another pretty often from what I've seen).

Depends on drillers expertise and ability.  Mine had a learning curve. I will say having installed them in nearly a dozen bails I like them but did notice this weekend on one ball that the inner thumb was moving during my back swing not the best feeling of security.   I can't get him to try Vice IT because of the cost associated and his wanting to stay with one system over another.  If this looseness continues in the Turbo SG I may go back to regular ovaled thumbs......Exactactor is another way to go also.


Rick Wunder

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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 08:02:07 AM »
Try putting a piece of black tape inside your outer sleeve to tighten it up a bit.

I've been using the system for several years.  BTW, I have had four different people install outer sleeves in balls that I have had drilled, and each is exactly the same.  If the installer knows what he/she is doing, there should be no problem with that.

I finally had one of my inner sleeves break off recently, after years of use.  It was one of the originals, which had flimsier tabs than the current ones have.

I have seen the Vise IT system, and it looks like it is very good.  However, I can't see switching to it, since I have so many balls with Turbo Switch Grips.  Right now, I suspect it would be even more difficult to find drillers that install the Vise IT system than those who install the Switch Grip system, although that may change over time.


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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2009, 08:12:41 AM »
i've used the turbo switch grips for 2 years now. i keep 2 of each size thumb i use. i have had trouble with shrinking and swelling depending on several factors (weather, salty foods, etc) i have broken 2 total in this time. the first was because i was constantly taking the only one i had to put in my spare ball. this constant pulling out and back in took it's toll on the inner. turbo, according to my proshop gaurantees their product and if it breaks they replace it for free.

i would liek to try the vise system, but the cost of converting my aresenal would be monumental. i would like to switch to have a better chance of selling used balls, the huge hole in the thumb area means you just can't reslug the thumb...time for a complete plug. yuck!

my driller comments on EVERY ball now..." i bet the thumb is perfect" lol
he is right. i have several that feel perfect.

in the future i will try the vise IT.

i have placed the black tape on the outer to tighten up the loose feeling of one of my original switch spare ball. lol

so, be careful changing them, don't "force" them in and out and you should be fine. tommy jones uses (or has used them) his rev rate doesn't break these things.
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 09:04:18 AM »
I just got the VISE IT system installed into my Lane#1 equipment (approx 8 balls).  I had never had any other interchangeable thumb.

I had done tons of equipment on each manufacturer and pros/cons of each.  I asked my driller if he would order it, in which at first he was not so sure.  I ended up telling him to hit me with some of the cost of it was now worth it for him to bring it in.

LOVE IT.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO secure and comfortable.  Get that thumb just how you want it, and bingo you are rolling.  I have had a couple people so far tell me "Thanks" for ordering the system, as they are very pleased with it as well.  I love how much you have to spin for it to "click" within the ball very secure.


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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2009, 09:12:34 AM »
Try putting a piece of black tape inside your outer sleeve to tighten it up a bit.

Thanks Rick.  Should have thought of that.  I did to two balls that were a lil loose and they are tight now.  Thanks again.  

I will say that my driller can hit the depth every time now and no problems with breakage.



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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2009, 03:34:43 PM »
The Lane#1 Grip Loc and the Vise IT are the two best options for the Interchangeasble thumbs...

I wouldn't use a Switch Grip ever!!!!

I've heard story after story of the breakage and injury they have caused...

Even if they have fixed the problems...The breaking stories will haunt them forever....

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2009, 08:52:07 PM »
Over here I know there is one Pro shop that does Turbo Switch Grip and one that does Grip-Loc....but no Vise IT so my choice is between these 2...
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2009, 09:57:11 PM »
From what I have heard of the turbo switch grip because of the length of the outer sleeve is rather long, the thumb hole will have to drill quite deep and into the core. Will this affect the reaction of the ball ?
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2009, 12:47:12 AM »
The hole size for the outer piece is no more than a tenth of an inch deeper than any average slug.  I've been personally using the switchgrips for years and love them and never had a problem with them.  We also have Try Before You Buy balls with Switchgrips and never had a problem.  The only time I've ever see one break is by one guy who thumbs up the ball badly and likes using an extremely tight thumbhole.  But I don't think he'll even break the new C3 version which has larger tabs at the bottom of the slug that make the switchgrip even more secure
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2009, 02:38:39 AM »
Seems like we are having mixed results in using the Switch Grip....
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2009, 07:27:16 AM »
i use the IT system and they are great. only broke one so far when putting into the ball. things happen like that. I would rather it break in the ball than while throwing the ball. I went to a demo day and broke 2 switch grips in the matter of an hour...waste of time and money
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Re: Turbo Switch Grip
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2009, 07:42:32 AM »
Any interchangeable systenm can be poor if driller doesn't know what he/she is doing.  Most that have had breakage issues with Turbo SwitchGrip had the inner protruding above ball surface because driller did not have depth correct.  

It's a learning curve that a driller needs to learn.  Also some balls that have filler drill different than a ball that has less filler.  Outer sleeves can fit different in that case then add to it a dull bit. Then, you sharpen your bit and don't change the depth you don't have the same depth.  I'll say it takes a pretty good pro shop operator to know what they are doing.  I am lucky enough to have one.

The fit when you use any interchangeable system is better than any other way IMO.  The ability to have different thumb sizes not fooling around with tape.  The ability to try different thumb pitches.....yadda yadda makes it a no brainer if you are a tourney type player with an aresenal.  I use an oval thumb....MC in back and one piece of white grip tape in front.  I never fiddle with tape as I have one size up with 1 more cut on the side for when my thumb is larger say in the spring when it becomes warmer.
