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Author Topic: AMF-Bowlmor merger question  (Read 23880 times)


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AMF-Bowlmor merger question
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:05:04 AM »
Now that AMF and Bowlmor have merged, do you think we will see any improvements in their bowling centers? 


Bowling 300 900

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Re: AMF-Bowlmor merger question
« Reply #61 on: September 10, 2013, 07:57:11 PM »
AMF as per OSHA policy oils the lane 2 feet from the foul line to ensure that bowlers do not slip and fall.    What your seeing is the lack of oil in the first 2 feet.   Every AMF house does this and has been doing this for a while now.   You probably didn't notice it before or your AMF center wasn't compiling with the rules and they are now.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 08:08:40 PM by Bowling 300 900 »


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Re: AMF-Bowlmor merger question
« Reply #62 on: September 10, 2013, 07:57:59 PM »
AMF mandated 24 inches from the foul line.  So they don't get sued by open play bowlers.


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Re: AMF-Bowlmor merger question
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2013, 01:16:10 PM »
Another Bowlmor complaint. I am a youth league coach. No more working with the kids after bowling (without paying $4.95 per game).  AMF gave us an hour and a half every Saturday to work with the youth after bowling.  No free game passes for the coach or the youth. No discounts at the snack bar for the youth. 


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Re: AMF-Bowlmor merger question
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2013, 01:21:11 PM »
Another Bowlmor complaint. I am a youth league coach. No more working with the kids after bowling (without paying $4.95 per game).  AMF gave us an hour and a half every Saturday to work with the youth after bowling.  No free game passes for the coach or the youth. No discounts at the snack bar for the youth. 

I would review the terms for league members in an AMF/Bowlmor center.  At our center, each league bowler is given X number of games free depending on the number of leagues they bowl in.  I want to say it is 2 games per week per league up to 4 games max, but I can't be sure. 


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Re: AMF-Bowlmor merger question
« Reply #65 on: September 21, 2013, 05:28:05 AM »
  The first employee meeting Bowlmor had at my center the new manager straight out told the employees that their focus was to be how to bring money to the bottom line. There was no mention of serving the customers at all. The center was very profitable and looked good still GM and the FM were fired. Much of the Bowlmor management is clueless about mechanical/technical maintenance. They put a low priority on lane conditions. All of the centers that got new lane machines are going to be disappointed when they can't buy lane oil/cleaner for it. The biggest problem is Tom Shannon is in over his swollen head. To build 6 centers in prime locations for open play bowling and be profitable is one thing. To make 272 centers in random and not-so-prime locations profitable using the same business model is quite another matter. There is no cookie cutter solution and the changes he has made so far are going to bite him on the ass before he figures it out, if he ever does. Even if he realized his folly tomorrow it would be too late. He doesn't have management with enough knowledge of the business to focus on what needs to be changed. I've worked in the bowling business since I was 13. It is a shame to see what Tom Shannon is doing to it and people who work for him.