Oddly enough, I have one positive experience to report on my AMF/Bowlmor center.
My Monday night league is the center's premier league and we have been using a different Kegel pattern each year the past 3 years. 2 years ago it was Route 66; last year it was Beaten Path. Last night the center agreed to put out 3 different oil patterns for our league bowlers to test FREE. They put Route 66 on one air, Beaten Path on the next pair and Bourbon Street on the next 2 pairs. (I assume our league officers picked out Bourbon Street as the new alternative.
So everyone who showed up threw as many balls as they wanted across all 8 lanes, for as long as they wanted. Of course, not every one showed up. I'd guess 1/4 - 1/3 of the members bowled. We vote in 2 weeks, 2 weeks before league starts in September.
Considering how tight with a buck Bowlmor seems to be over AMF (who themselves could squeeze a penny so hard it would bleed), this was surprising.