hey guys just another post about a first 300 game.
was bowling my summer league tonight and everything was going downhill from the start the balls were just not finishing well. went out the first game and could not find a good line and only shot a 161. (used 3 different balls scorchin inferno, the one, and smoking inferno)
second game was not much different but i moved a tone right and pulled out the classic zone and was doing ok until the ball just decided not to turn no more, finished with a 178.
then came the final game and i was just mad so i pulled out the one and decided to go straight up the boards and to my delight it worked, first 9 were right in the pocket,10th was a lil sloppy and tripped the 3-10, 11th was money and i got so nervous the 12th one i pulled and went Brooklyn and that good old 6 pin fell for my first 300.
so happy now that the monkey is off my back.
thanks for reading guys and gals
speed: 18-19 mph
rev: hard
track: high
high game: 286
best series: 699
Brunswick nation all the way!
Darn you Brunsnick for getting me addicted