I know a lot of you people have a plethora amount of knowledge about bowling balls and are very helpful when you give your very detailed reviews. So I was thinking that this site could have a rating system from those who have read the review and have them rate it from one to ten and maybe even a little comment section (limited to text space to prevent childish remarks). By doing this, it would allow viewers to be able to get an idea of how helpful this review was for them. This rating system would not be directed to how great they thought the ball was/is but of how helpful the review was. Also, to prevent more childish comments, I would suggest that ballreviews.com (if accepting my idea) would put a one time limit per review.
Let me know what you guys think of this, and any other further additions or revising of this idea. I don't know how to send the idea to the Webmaster so maybe one of you can do it. Thanks for reading.