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Author Topic: An owner without a clue....  (Read 983 times)


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An owner without a clue....
« on: November 23, 2004, 01:30:41 PM »
Imagine you are bowling a league for the first time in a new house. You came into the league a couple of weeks after the season started, so the secretary of the league welcomes you and tries his or her best to form a complete team for you. Within 2 weeks you have 4 steady bowlers and a fifth is on the horizon. Yet this particular week your old bowling ball is having trouble getting in the ball chute and the bowling owner gets frustrated after retriving the ball 4 times in one and a half games. The owner knows there are a couple of open pairs the teams can move to if there is a significant problem. This is a pair of lanes where a number of other bowlers have had trouble getting their balls down the chute (polyester, urethane, resin, particle, doesn't matter). The owner issue you an ultimatium- either use another bowling ball on this pair of lanes or don't bowl anymore in the league.

What do you think happened? We had that bowler and his wife walk out of the house, vowing to not return to the center ever again. The lineage per night is $9 and we have 20 weeks left, so the owner chose to lose $360 over this incident. It's not like we have a ton of bowlers in this league (started with 20, were up to 29, now at 27). I don't care if the lane conditions are cake or a dungeon, a bowling center owner should know how to communicate with the people who bowl in the center and not issue ultimatiums out of frustration.

I needed to get this off of my chest, and it's a shame because I love bowling in this house, I learned to bowl here when I was 4 and have been bowling in leagues there for 27 years....




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Re: An owner without a clue....
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2004, 09:51:39 PM »
That is bad and it is very frustrating for the league bowlers when the local management has no clue.  I am facing a similar situation here, or could be, it hasnt happened yet.

They just changed managers at our center and the new manager has no bowling experience .. period.  He was overheard by one of the bowlers discussing a new plan with his boss for next season.  He/they want more open bowling so they are planning on cutting the leagues in half so that half the lanes will always be available for open bowling.  Cant wait to see if that plays out or not.  
I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
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Re: An owner without a clue....
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2004, 09:53:09 PM »
What a shame and bowling centers wonder why they are losing bowlers. I bet these type of events are far too common. I have seen owners tell league bowlers that they make more off open play, so take there whinning somewhere else. Tell tournament bowlers learn to bowl when they complain about conditions. Now leave or use a different ball. I think I have actually heard that one before. On older AMF 8230's if they are using urethane rollers on the ball return doors, the old rubber balls will fry them in one night. I have seen people that for some reason where using a rubber ball, told to put it up or stop bowling. Still has to be a better way to resolve the problem without losing a bowler. I would be surprised if the guy or his wife bowls league anywhere again.


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Re: An owner without a clue....
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2004, 03:26:59 AM »
The inanity of it all.
I can't believe any center owner would hire someone who has ZERO bowligg experience. It's proven to be a faulty assumption in so many othe rindustries.

Besides, we all know everything goes in cycles. Eventually, open bowling, read the Cosmic bowling "fad" will die down and then centers will be dying and closing from lack of regular, steady customers like league bowlers. Besides since they charge league bowlers a non-discounted rate, what's not to like. God only knows how much beer the average league bowler drinks. How can they turn downn that steady clientel and huge profit margin that requires virtually nil advertising and work??

Ignorance is bliss.
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Re: An owner without a clue....
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2004, 02:41:19 PM »
I've learned that many of today's centers are either bought and paid for and in a 2nd or 3rd generation's hands, or bought and paid for and in an old person's hands.  Either way, most centers are operating without having to worry about paying mortgages anymore.  Must be nice.

How do you tell a 35-40 year old person who was GIVEN a bowling center from their parents that they need to modernize their center and create an exciting environment in their center (spend money) when they can just sit there and watch some money come through the doors without having to work at all (spending no money)?  It seems that these people cannot see what's coming a few years down the road when they have no customers left and they're actually losing money!


Ok, I feel better now.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

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Re: An owner without a clue....
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2004, 03:07:13 PM »
Back to rant...I hear this "open bowlers" are worth more than league bowlers, I began to do some work on it.  It is true, on a per line basis, open bowlers spend more.  But, open bowlers do not bowl as often as league bowlers, reducing the revenue stream.  Smart manager thinks "well, I will just cater more to open bowlers".  Fine.  There is a small number who will return, over and over again.  But that number is probably less than 5% of the number of league bowlers who are repeat (often multiple league) repeat customers.  Most of the casual bowlers (the 55 million who are not in leagues) bowl rarely.  A few houses can survive on open bowling.  Most cannot.

Bowling is the ONLY business where large numbers of occasional customers, who actually provide less than half of the gross revenue (despite being greater in number by a factor of about 11) are treated better than repeat customers in many instances.  Never does a restaurant throw away repeat customers who each account for a larger percentage of the place's revenue.  NO BUSINESS other than bowling does so.  Most places try to CREATE repeat customers and the best way to do this is leagues in bowling.  If leagues go down another 30 percent, more than 30 percent of the centers will either close or have to severely alter their businesses.  

Of course, I could be wrong.  No, I couldn't.  End of rant.
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Re: An owner without a clue....
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2004, 03:13:27 PM »
Back in the early 80's an owner started this type of thing and the whole league 24 teams moved to a center across town. The jerk didn't care, he only wanted open bowlers. 2 years later the place closed up. Been there seen that!


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Re: An owner without a clue....
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2004, 08:35:15 PM »
Having bowled in the same center since I was a kid, I have watched it go through multiple owners and attitudes. It was owned by United Artist theater chain for many years, strange combination but they owned the local theaters too. I have seen the good and the bad, and it seems each owner or manager was a little of each. Some put out great conditions, some walled things up so much it was not funny, others have made things really tough. Same thing with the league thing. Most of our owners have been big advocates of league, obviously in the early years this was the standard. Just some observations from my exposure.

If we just look at recent managers/owners. The center cheated on all inspections, put out the great wall of China and scores were out the roof. The employees wore matching shirts and manager was at the center almost everyday. The maintenance in the back was a joke. Bailing wire and duct tape would not be out of the question if it bought a week or two extra. Attitude towards league bowlers was not pleasant. Now the promotion and attitude towards the bowlers in our big once a year tournament was fantastic and he created the entire open play promotional aspect that never existed before. Funny, hate league and love tournament bowlers. The last year he was here, before he basicallt bankrupted the place, we had the largest tournament in its long history. Results were, leagues dropped to almost nothing and he could not pay the bills. NO MATTER HOW EASY THE LANE CONDITIONS, PEOPLE LEFT IN DROVES.

Now, the next owner/manager. Leagues in his mind are number one. Open play is gravy and important on the weekends, but during the week it is league play. The machines in the back are maintained like never before. We have one of the best AMF mechanics around. The desk and snack bar are ran in somewhat less of a professional manor that before, but not major difference. No uniforms appearance, those type items. Lane conditions are tough. The conditions will pass any inspection anytime, no cheating required. Long term affect is undecided. Short term..Leaues are dropping like crazy. Some more than others and the biggest drop is the big money Men's league. NO MATTER HOW GOOD THE MAINTENANCE OR ATTITUDE TOWARDS LEAGUE, PEOPLE ARE LEAVING DUE TO LANE CONDITIONS.

So what is the secret formula? Obviously to me, the answer exists in the middle. When on the outside looking in you can always have 20-20 vision. I don't think it is that easy from the inside looking out. League bowlers are garunteed money. What do they want. They want to have fun, machines to not break down and score fairly easily. I don't think you have to give them the great wall of China, but they need some room to miss a little out or in and hit the pocket. Any business should present a professional appearance. This is probably more important to the open play/family bowlers, but I think appreciated by all. If nothing else the professional appearance gives you the feeling that the rest of the business is ran the same way. I think you also have to advertise where it counts. League and tournaments in bowling publications and open play in local papers and at local business's. One fact is that no matter what you do, you will not please everyone. That you can put in the bank.