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Author Topic: An ugly night...  (Read 693 times)


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An ugly night...
« on: February 04, 2004, 01:37:45 AM »
Last night was ugly for all sorts of reasons.  I'll start off by saying that my team was in 1st place by 3 points, and it was the last night of the second third.  Winners of each third and a wild card go on to playoffs.  So it was a pressure packed night for us.  I think the night exemplified what is wrong with bowling in many many ways that is as disappointing as it was upsetting.  

1 - We got to our lanes and the right lane of the pair was starting on the second ball every other frame.  So one frame was ok, the next it would reset after one ball regardless of what was left.  So that was a problem.  We wound up sitting around on our lanes for more than an hour waiting for the guys behind the front desk to fix em.  Why didn't we move to another lane?

2 - There were NO open lanes in the house.  Traditionally there is a buffer of a pair or two so that if a lane brakes down, the teams can move.  But not this house.  Not on this night.  They ADDED teams late in the season so that they could use every single lane.  So we had no where to move.

3 - The owner really didn't give much of a crap.  The same thing happened last week, on the same lanes!  And they broke again, big surprise.  

4 - We were in contention for winning a section but had to sit around for more than an hour and a half before another league FINISHED, so that we could start.  

5 - They didn't re-oil the lanes.  We played on top of 9 games on each lane.  I of course am really lousy in carry down.  I just am not very good at figuring it out yet.  But now we started with carry down, and it transitioned to graveyard.  

6 - Some jerkoff who was walking behind us, who is the prototypical dumb looking jock, said "God, sure is a lot of clapping for 115 in the 8th."  He had absolutely no conception that a team MIGHT be winning or losing the league.  The only thing this monkey with bowling balls could think of was how well he scored.  Well he IS an awesome bowler.  His 22 mph and 4 revs really crash the pins.  

7 - We lost the first two games and needed to win the final game to TIE the team we were leading at the beginning of the night.  We wound up winning it, but a guy on the other team obviously threw the game and made it very vocal that he was doing so.  I didn't want it that way, but at the same time, I couldn't force him to bowl well.  He bowled 206, 197, 96.  So maybe people might look at that and say hmmmm...It also made me very uncomfortable that the team who was leading us at that point was standing behind us watching for half of the last game.  It is just a lousy situation.  I'm glad we won, but not in the manner it was done.  Ugh...Ugly.  

Lousy Lousy night.  Normally we finish around 9:15.  Last night, around 11:00.  It was a lousy night to be forgotten.  The only good thing is that next week we have a one game rolloff for the playoff spot.  I can't wait for next week to start.


I bowl at country club bowl...not a very inventive name now is it.