Ebonite filed bankruptcy in march and was struggling filling orders on new releases and nobody knew there was an issue. Ronnie didn't know anything that others much more important then him knew. It was a huge blindside.
The industry is shrinking. Bowlers refuse to believe it
# of league bowlers is shrinking in the US and I guess they buy majority of the balls. I thought there is some solid growth overseas though. Whatever pretty obvious EBI management was shit. Its not like they didn't have balls people wanted.
The problem is the owners of EBI are a bigger entity than EBI. Owning Gap,Pac Sun, Victoria Secrets ect. Even those companies profits are down so something has to go that being EBI.
These people are not bowlers they don't have as much passion like we do. Amazon, walmart and other online big companies are changing the landscape of purchasing. Malls are loosing stores like crazy, especially in smaller areas.. The game is changing rapidly..