It has to do with rotational value or integrity...difference between flare out vs roll out.
Care to go more into this or have a link that does??
Not totally sure here, but I do believe he is talking about the difference between the energy retention changing the direction of the roll VS the ball LOSING it's energy retention and rolling OUT.
In the former, the ball will slow down, but still retain enough rotational energy that the ball will begin to roll in the direction of the balls rotation. This is also what causes any continuation through the pocket and pin deck. Imparting, and storing, enough energy is a VITAL component of ball performance.
In the latter, the ball will slow down, but have no energy left to cause it to move laterally (hook), and will take an end-over-end roll in the direction of momentum (straight). This ball will deflect GREATLY, and have little, if any, hitting power.
Ball reaction is built using the cumulative effects of several factors, but it basically boils down to the energy imparted to the ball VS the energy used by the ball on it's way down the lane.
The higher the friction factors, the quicker the ball burns up the energy. Burn up too much, and your ball will be D.O.A.