Well, I googled this topic after recently purchasing a 3 ball tote. I wanted one for years, and finally got one... and now I'm like whoa... I start by trying to get the tote down five concrete stairs. I'm worried if I don't pick it up, I'm going to break the wheels. Then I roll it to my two door car, and I wonder where the best place is. Safety is an obvious concern here, as I don't want a bowling bag rolling over my face if I were in a wreck.
I can lift it in the trunk, which is a bit tough but seems to be the best option. I can also pull back the seat and try to get it into the back..but getting it out is usually harder. Someone even suggested putting it into the passenger seat and seatbelting it in (lol). This would be the obvious choice for how easy it is, but I don't think it would be very safe. Is there a certain place people tend to put these? I'm 5'6", about 135.. Figure I'll have some nice arms by the end of the fall season. I've even considered leaving the bag in my car, but I've never done that and don't like that thought.