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Author Topic: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?  (Read 3528 times)

The Hose

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Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« on: April 07, 2004, 10:33:39 PM »
Is it fair for bowlers to have to shoot on a shot they've never seen before?  I here they are running a "sport shot".  If people don't have an oppertunity to bowl or practice on a sport shot and only bowl on a THS, how is that fair?

Wouldn't that be like having a basketball team practicing on a regular size rim then all of a sudden they have to play a championship where the rim is much smaller?

A golfer has been playing with a regular ball but when it came to one tournament, they are forced to play with a ball that will not go half straight or far?

I'm kind of standing on the fence here and don't want to see a strikefest, but don't most bowlers shoot on a THS?  I just here so many complaints from people saying that they can't play where they are used to and that if they miss a few boards outside, they washout or if the miss a few board in, they split.

If everyone was forced to play on a sport shot, they wouldn't be so surprised when they see that condition.

Should the ABC put out a THS or leave it tough?
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose



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Re: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2004, 08:51:07 AM »
Not knocking the score.

Shooting 858 on any condition is phenomenal.  And I couldn’t shoot it on a house shot.

But this guy is technician for the Kegal company in Florida. I also believe that Kegal is in charge of the lane conditions at the stadium during the ABC tournament.

I’m not suggesting that Kegal changed the shot for his pair.  

If you don’t think he wasn’t able to practice on the shot back in Florida then I can probably sell you some swamp land there as well.

Sure you can say that the lane surface was different but I’ve got a feeling with the inside knowledge they would have it would be a distinct advantage in replicating the shot.

Lord knows I don’t want a strike fest, but as Hose stated it would seem we should all the have same information and chance to train on the shot. Don’t say all I would have to do is travel to Florida and train at the Kegal center. That really isn’t an option and it is not an option for 99% of the bowlers going to the ABC.

The Hose

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Re: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2004, 10:17:36 AM »
I just saw some scores from a group of 10 guys who bowled over the weekend.
Two are 50 year olds who are in the local and State Hall of fame and two others are in the local HOF.  The rest average between 180-210.  The top of the group was 1740 with one of them shooting 1380!  

I haven't talked to them but I can bet they are not too excited about going back.  They don't bowl many tournaments nor do they get to bowl on anything other then a THS.

I'll thing I'll work on my game before going.
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose

Joe Cool

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Re: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2004, 11:30:00 AM »
My answer to the original question is simple:  it depends on how you define fair.
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Re: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2004, 03:15:00 PM »
Personally I think that the shot isn't so tough but that the Twister pins is what makes the scoring low. I persoanlly do not care for those pins at all. In the stadium it is about creating the right angle so you can carry. If there was an easy shot those pins fall ok, but a tough shot and it is a nightmare on those things.

The Hose

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Re: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2004, 03:29:45 PM »
CJ,  you bowled good and I'm sure you won some $$$ in brackets.

Most bowlers don't see Twisters or have a chance to bowl on those conditions.  I'm more thinking of the older bowlers who make up a large % of the tournament.  They don't want to travel that distance and be out the money to shot 150's when they are 200+ at home.  

Sure it should be a little tougher, but I like for people to go away feeling good about what they shot.

The Oil Capital is one of the largest tournaments in our area.  Why?  Because the scoring is easy.  Most bowlers don't care if they cash or not, they'd rather go home and tell their firends about how good they bowled.  True or False?

I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose


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Re: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2004, 03:34:42 PM »
Hose that Oil Capital tournament is a tough one!!!! I see where you are coming from though.

The Hose

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Re: Is the ABC Nationals Fair?
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2004, 04:14:55 PM »
Hose that Oil Capital tournament is a tough one!!!! I see where you are coming from though.

Yeah, didn't you shoot 2300+ a couple of years ago while drinking some frosty beverages?  Maybe that wasn't the best tournament to post.  

Maybe the Greater Ozarks in Springfield.  The scoring isn't out of sight, the shot isn't a wall, but it's playable for most people.  Therefore, you continue to see the tournament grow.

The ABC is a Amateur Event,  not a PBA tournament.  I understand the "TOC" bowling on real tough conditions, but not the ABC.

The US Amateur Golfers don't play on Masters greens conditions do they?  Most Amateurs couldn't break 100 on any course with those greens.

CJ, where did Zenner try to play them?  Didn't look like he found much.
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose