Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't.
Not sure how many 900's were thrown this year, but it still boils down to needing 36 strikes in a row.
Even if it isn't 36 perfectly executed shots, it still needs a whole of lot of things to go the right way.
Maybe instead of golf - different courses, weather conditions, etc, maybe it should be mini-golf (Putt Putt). I mean unless the lane is set up so that no matter how you throw the ball you get a strike - like those mini golf holes that no matter how you hit the ball it gets funneled into the cup - you still have to throw the ball down the lane and get all the pins to fall.
Or look on the bright side. Maybe USBC will look at the increase in 900 series and decide they finally need to make some changes.
As a "not typical BR member" - meaning I don't average 210+ and have multiple 300s to my name or get p-ssed when I don't shoot at least 700 (never even been close!) - I would love to see some changes. As it stands now, I probably won't bowll leagues anymore. I mean, you need a 210 avg to even break the top 10 on the "high average" list, and 289 to make the scratch game list.
1 thing I do love watching is the"stand on 40, rip out to 5" group show up, struggle to break 160 because the conditions aren't "right" for them, pack their stuff up and bowl "absent" for the final 2 games.
But, I guess every once in a while you can catch some breaks and get all the pins to fall. Catching 36 breaks is pretty good.