I don't know, absolute. I don't see the early pushaway. I see pushaway in the 4th step of 5 step approach. I see the kick out of the arm, but it's brought back into alignment, quickly, at the top of the backswing, a good thing, I believe. There's a lot of un-necessary arm muscle involvement with the bringing back into alignment, the hand/forearm.
Tracy (I didn't picture the bald and the moustache with the name Tracy but that's just prejudice on my part),
At this point, I wouldn't change a thing.
KISS is involved, IF you want it to be. I think a good coach (Silver level or above) is needed to stop that, along with video, to keep the armswing in one plane.
(KISS = keep it simple, stupid. No insult intended, of course it's just an acronym that is very to-the-point in bowling.)
Since your delivery seems to do this every time, I don't think it is of immediate concern. But you may want to adjust it at some time in the fututre.
I agree about a knee bend. You don't have one. It would help in the future for bowling release leverage and to NOT have knee problems in the future. it will also help NOT to loft the ball as much that is more important on heavier oil and on wet/dry conditions.
Otherwise, I think your timing is more than reasonable.
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