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Author Topic: Another lost chance for a city title  (Read 1910 times)


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Another lost chance for a city title
« on: April 21, 2004, 09:03:45 PM »
This is a Hose post.

I’ll be bowling our city association tournament this weekend but any thoughts of winning the singles title or all events title have been dashed.

A bowler (with a 190 average) shot in the 820's in singles scratch and has 891 with handicap. His all events score is around 2340.

Oh well.. Maybe second wouldn’t be so bad.



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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2004, 12:48:25 PM »
But I'm not sure even if they gave me the first 35 that my legs would let me get the 2 pins I needed.

I'm such a hack.


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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2004, 04:42:12 PM »
PB, I thought you were just giving up because you saw I was coming Saturday.  

I hope Team or Doubles isn't out of sight yet.  I still can't understand how these flukes happen.  When I was in Manhattan, I witnessed an 857 by a guy who barely averaged 190 and had never had a 700 series in his life.  I couldn't fault him because the pins kept falling, but it was really disheartening to watch.

The Hose

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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2004, 05:57:03 PM »
he he he.  Yep, that is were our sport has gone.

There is no way a 25 handicap golfer (Sawbones should love that) shooting a 63.  It just wouldn't happen.  In bowling, anything can happen.

I bowled tournament last week and someone looked at my ABC card and said "218? Is that in a sport league or were bagging?"  Yeah, I bagged, it should have been 240.

Bowling to way to easy.....enough said!

Guys that have never bowled before and go from 140 to 219 in one year?  Give me a break!

Hey, Nice Rant though
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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2004, 06:01:30 PM »
Do we know it wasn't a sport-pattern 190 average bowler bowling on a THS?

In a somewhat related vein, bowling the city tournament this year I fell behind a guy from one of my leagues who averages 180 in league but shot 640's during the tournament.  The difference?  He's always rip-roaring drunk in league but stays sober for the tournament.  Is that fair?
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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2004, 10:33:58 AM »
He bowls a regular league in the same house the tournament is held on their house shot.

ksucat - Good seeing you and the rest of team. Ironic that we bowled the team event together. Hope your team's scratch score holds up for the top team scratch. Poor Dwight (our token lefty), he tries hard but just can't seem to get it done.

I did manage to shoot good enough to take over scratch all events lead(Yes ksucat I beat Ed too ) but handicap at 2346 is outta sight for me.


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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2004, 11:18:12 AM »
There are provisions under ABC rules to re-rate someone’s average but I have seldom seen it done.

Re-rating normally only comes into play when a bowler has had superior performance in multiple tournaments.

Some tournaments require you to list previous tournament winnings over a monetary value in the last x months. If you have won over X amount and average over X amount over your average then they can re-rate you.

I don’t believe it is really the case here. It is just one of those things with modern bowling that seem to happen at almost every handicap tournament. A decent bowler happens to match up and goes crazy. They end up shooting astronomical numbers that scratch bowlers can only dream about shooting.


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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2004, 12:13:23 PM »
I simply don't "get it." Except for this year, I have been a bowler in the 190's for the last 14 years or so. It hasn't been by choice. For what ever reason that is the best I have been able to do. My highest series ever is 737. Although it is not impossible, I sincerely doubt that I will ever come close to an 800 series. I would say that I will throw another 300 game before I ever bowl 800 scratch......So how in the "H" does a 190 bowler throw an 800? I'm sure with the thousands and thousands of bowlers in this world that for a 190 bowler to shoot 800 isn't impossible, but I would say it is improbable although as they say, "there is a first time for everything."
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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2004, 01:49:21 PM »
Congratulations PB.  You had struggled some in league at that house this year, so I think it must have been the inspiration you received bowling against Dad in Team.  I'll tell him to expect a check for being your whipping boy.  Ed didn't really have that much because he bowled another Team a couple weeks ago and was about 80 pins lower.  Hope to see you hold up as well.

I could easily see how someone could get lined up for a magical set and shoot lights out simply because he carried all the pocket hits.  I can also see this same person leave a bunch of single pin spares and not score so well.  I never figured out the reason some shots carried so well while others left pins standing.  Out of the 9 games I bowled, I threw 7 pretty well, but only scored on 2.  This is just where we are at in bowling now, you have to find a way to carry quickly or get left behind.  We had a joke bowling singles that the first miss you had meant you were already knocked out of 1st.


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Re: Another lost chance for a city title
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2004, 02:27:38 PM »
Ksucat – he may do the same for about every team but I had pretty much forgotten about your dad’s “obsession” with my scoring against him. But once I got stringing them and he was moaning and rolling his eyes it was some inspiration to keep them going.

Good luck at nationals.