Hell, bowlers INVENTED redistribution of "wealth" with HANDICAP. Bowlers are so socialist minded nobody will bowl WITHOUT free pins - aka Handicap - aka redistributing the wealth.
Didn't I hear Obama say when he was at that bowling alley photo shoot, "I believe that all Americans, like all bowlers, should be given Handicap to help the lazy, unmotivated, or untalented so they can compete with those who work hard for their success. This goes both on the lanes, and on the paycheck. If you can't compete with a 200 average bowler, we'll give you free pins so you can shoot 200's too. If you can't compete with the Joneses and can't afford a $200,000 home and a new Mercedes, we'll give you free money so you can live large too!"

9~Internet Tough Guy
Cyberspace Sheep Lover