Is it just me or are there 493 internet morons for every civil semi-educated post made here on ballreviews?
I mean if you read 3 or 4 threads, especially those in the Miscellaneous section, one can readily see where to look up some references, icluding how to read reviews, where to find info. Does no one do one iota of research? Does no one makes the least bit of effort to find data? Does everyone just blurt out "HELP ME FOR I AM A BLITHERING IDIOT!"
The internet makes information available like it NEVER, EVER has been made available before in the history of the human race. The degree is a matter of exponential, no longer geometric, not artithemtic by any stretch of the imagination, if any of you has the remotest idea what those terms might mean. The ease with which data can be accumulated would astound, in its strictest meaning, a man from the 1960s and the 1970s, no less someone from the 1890s or the 16th century.
Yet, so many here and elsewhere are ignorant the lazy in supreme ... I am saddened and depressed for the future of human kind.
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"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."