I used to chicken-wing my arm to make up for my wrist, and now that I'm trying to learn the "proper" way to throw the ball, (elbow straight, wrist cupped), it's really putting a strain on my wrist and elbow. I'm kinda tall and skinny, not muscular at all. I mean, I can handle the ball fine, but I'd rather learn to throw it correctly, and I think that going down to 14 would be my best option, because it's even hard to practice because my wrist will pop and I'll start really gripping with my thumb, and that screws up my release, affects my speed and revs, and I think that's also why I'm having trouble sliding. When my wrist is feeling strong, I bowl really well, I have more control with my sliding, everything just feels great. I drilled a 14 lb Adrenaline for somebody today that has nearly the same measurements I do, so I put my hand in there and swung it around, and it felt a lot more comfortable.
So what I'm figuring on is getting a fairly strong ball to make up for the drop in weight. We've got a Power Groove, Predator Pursuit, and Savage Flip in here that are 14's, and I'm leaning towards the Savage Flip. I saw Waliczek throw it the other day, and was really impressed. I don't want anything really expensive, because I don't plan on dropping down permanently, but the good thing is that I really don't have any new 15's. A Time Zone is about it, other than that I've got a Viper I throw at spares, and a multi-plugged Purple Fuze and X-Zone, so if I do decide to drop the pound for a while, I won't be out much money. And, of course, working in a pro shop has awesome benefits. So who else has dropped, and what is your experience with ball reaction and carry? There's a girl here that carries the world with her 14's, with about 150-200 revs at about 16 mph. She's got pretty strong equipment, but most of it rolls evenly. Thanks!
Forget Kung Fu, I know Ron Bahr!!!
The only difference between youth and adult leagues are that the big boys are allowed to whine. They're more entertaining anyway.