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Author Topic: Another post about loyalty to a ball company.  (Read 1160 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Another post about loyalty to a ball company.
« on: May 03, 2004, 10:29:30 AM »
I have read the other post, and what this one brings me to is this:

What company do you feel offers the best arsenal options? This means they have to offer something for every condition, something that has several balls that can react differently, give different breakpoints, etc....OH well, you get the idea. PLASTIC is plastic, and does not matter, so forget the plastic part of this.

In the past I have tried a few companies. I used to be very loyal to only C300, but then they started releasing a ton of equipment and they seemed to have a lot of overlap. It seems to me that they currently have more overlap than ever before. Storm, I see a ton of overlap. Brunswick (as much as I dislike them) seems to cover several different condtions. Roto Grip seems to be doing a very good job of covering different conditions as well.

My company of choice is Track, and I feel that Track offers the best all around arsenal. They have a few oil balls, but they offer different reactions or breakpoints for oil. They have very good midpriced stuff as well, they have some good reactives that can help fill an arsenal well also. They have a Dry lane ball. I see innovation in alot of their equipment, particularly the highend stuff. However, they topped the charts with the Havoc having an assymetrical core, and at a midprice point.  

Just my opinion....what is yours?
C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Another post about loyalty to a ball company.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2004, 01:45:08 AM »
I think Brunswick, my company of choice, has a very good offering in equipment.  I agree with you that C300 has too much overlap.  I think Ebonite has fallen into the same situation as C300.  On the other hand, Hammer seems to provide a good all around arsenal at a value price.  My wife has the Vicious Particle that she really likes.

I am not a fan of Track, at all.  I have to disagree Ex, I don't feel they offer many balls with differences.  I looked at buddies website to back me up alittle on this argument.  Only 4 out of 11 are reactive.  I think Track is still trying to make "hook in a box".  I understand that it could be different in other parts of the country, but in this area very few people need to throw particle.  

I haven't kept up with Storm lately.  So, I can't really comment on there latest and greatest.  

I am intrigued by the Morich Ravage.  I am waiting to see the core before I order one.  I have always wanted a strong assymetrical in a PK 18.  

"Act like you've been there before"


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Re: Another post about loyalty to a ball company.
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2004, 01:56:13 AM »
Storm offers a ball for almost every possible condition, however I find that Storm balls don't really suit my game, however Brunswick have a huge range and there balls do exacly what I want, so Brunswick for me

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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Another post about loyalty to a ball company.
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2004, 02:12:58 AM »
I can see where your disagreement comes from, however if you go back about a year and a half or so through now.....

You will see that they had the Crunch, (I know this is longer than a year, but......) the HEX, Revmaster, The Havoc, Crunch Time, VooDoo, Crash, the new Untamed, Dry Heat, magic Hex, I know the Threat was particle, but it was very much like a reactive, Hextreme.

What I am saying about arsenal is that in comparison the Freak, FreakOut, Mutant, Super Freak, Phenom, Phenom Unleashed and Animal have all had a different path down the lane that had to be used. I also understand what you are saying about particle not being required in certain areas....however, particle does not always translate into strength and hook. Ebonite's V2 dry is a great ball for dry conditions and it is particle. A good coat of polish can tame a particle ball more than it can a reactive for identical conditions sometimes!

Currently in the lineup for Track that is reactive: Havoc, Crash, Dry Heat, Untamed, CrunchTime. 5 is not alot. A great ball (the Crunch) went overlooked because of the poor release timing. I see the same thing happening to the Sheer Havoc this year.
C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Another post about loyalty to a ball company.
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2004, 02:16:26 AM »
TONS of overlap in Storm's lineup. Try being an avid fan that wants to try almost every ball a company has and see if you can keep up with Storm. You better make alot of money in order to do so.
C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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