I buy the bowling balls from Buddies and he ships them to CA no shipping charge and since its out of state, no taxes

The ball was $209. So I didn't feel bad, but when the slug, grips and tax came in, it was 250. I know I shouldn't have been talked into a ball I knew nothing about. I was trying to get a professionals opinion of a ball that would fit between the Anger and the Blue Vibe.
The pro shop operator that drills my bowling equipment is 74. Old school. Drills bowling balls to perfection, but does not keep up on the bowling ball market and says he won't. Bring him a ball, he'll drill it.
The pro shop operators said my bowling balls had too much forward finger pitch and my fingers are NOT flexable. So they recommended some reverse. I think it was 1/2 and 9/16. And that was the real reason I went to another pro shop. To get a second opinion about my span and finger pitches. Kept the span the same, but put some reverse pitch in the fingers.
Thanks for the feedback and I will scuff up thye surface a touch as recommended.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Edited on 9/7/2007 3:17 PM