NIC, a decent price for that ball should be around $179-$189 drilled.
inserts and a slug, maybe another $20.00
what i don't understand is why you are complaining about the cost of the ball, after the sale. i am sure you have been online before!!!
if i walk into a golf shop and see a club for $299, and buy it, knowing that it is probably online for less, whose fault is that???
now i believe you said drilled this ball would have been $158 from buddies, with inserts and a slug?

come on!!!!
maybe about $30 - $40 for drilling plus inserts and a slug!!!
and maybe you could answer this, how do the online shops adjust your fit.
adjusting the thumb hole is probably the single most important part of getting a ball drilled!!!!
so how do they do that online?

complaining about how much you overpaid for this ball, makes you look foolish
as a customer. especially one that appears to know how to use the internet!!!
i would have said before buying the ball, this price seems a little high.
i would not have bought it, if i thought the price was out of line.
especially since it does sound like you use the internet!!!!
stores and shops post their prices, customers usually buy, once they feel the price is reasonable, the service is good, and the selection is good.
to buy something and then complain about the high cost, seems a little odd to me, especially since just about everyone on the planet knows how to shop online!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jls, proud watcher of womens golf
Edited on 9/8/2007 1:42 PM