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Author Topic: Is there really Pressure?  (Read 1055 times)


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Is there really Pressure?
« on: December 09, 2009, 12:28:51 AM »
Ok, 10th frame... need to strike to win, need to strike for 300, need to stike for 800, need to stike for 900. But is there really pressure in those situations?

What is pressure? Isn't pressure something that we ourselves apply in our brain because there is something that we want to achieve? And isn't that counter productive?

It seems to me, having watched bowlers over the decades I have bowled, that those bowlers who really dont care (apply no pressure to themselves) are the ones that have "those" carrer nights while those that are "good" beat themselves up over the taps they got.

So I say, let it go, forget the moment, just stick to your routine and blank out anything else. In your mind think positive thoughts on every shot, make that your routine. If first you dont succeed try, try again. Just let it happen and it will. You can force it. The bowling "GODS" are typically fair in the long run.
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Re: Is there really Pressure?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 08:40:24 AM »
Pressure is a good thing.  It makes you concentrate.  Handling the pressure makes you a good bowler.  Once you have succeeded, the pressure on you is less and less.

If you have seen guys that just don't care succeed, then either they are bowling on THS or they are extremely naturally talented or lucky.

If you don't pressure yourself (focus) to make good shots, you get sloppy.  Sloppy on a tough shot simply will not succeed in the long run.
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Re: Is there really Pressure?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 08:52:03 AM »
How do you turn it off?? I tried for years to turn it off, and couldnt. Not everybody's brain works the same, some nautrally worry. And let me ask you this-your gonna tell me if you need 3 strikes in the 10th to beat Walter Ray Williams for your first title and you need that check to pay your rent, you wont be nervous?? You just havent been put in the right situation yet, maybe you don't have pressure because it is just league. But, put in the right situation, ANYBODY can tense up. Even the best choke every now and then. I havent seen any bowler yet come through EVERY time they need it.
Dont take that im calling you out, i just wonder what your thought process is, how you just shut it off?
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Re: Is there really Pressure?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 09:15:06 AM »
i gotcha, see i tried that approach for what seemed like years. What i found was the more i told myself to not pull the ball, not be nervous, the more i did it. I guess im not programmed that way lol. Like i said everybody is different, i wish i could have done it that way, it would have saved me alot of time.
So i had to learn to train my mind to focus on 1-2 things at the most and not let my mind wonder. First couple of times i went for 300, i was nervous, but i was more focused on what i didnt want to do-pull the ball, make a bad shot, etc.,  that i ended up making one anyway. So when i learned key words, actually what it does is let your mind and physical game take over. Basically, after i learned this the nerves went away honestly, some of the best shots ive thrown, including a double in the 10th to win my first scratch tournament, i dont even remember throwing. So i guess we arrived at the same place so to speak, just through different paths lol.
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Re: Is there really Pressure?
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2009, 09:18:22 AM »
its not easy but i agree.

anytime ive bowled really well I also was very calm and just ready to go. When i didnt strike I didnt think about it, i just rolled a strike on the next frame and pressed on.
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Re: Is there really Pressure?
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2009, 09:30:53 AM »
There is always pressure, it's just in how you go about handling it.  For me, I just keep my mind on the shot I have to make at that moment, not what I did before, not what the other guy did, nor what I may have to do later.  If my body is shaking, then oh well. I don't know how, but as soon as I begin my pushaway, the nerves are gone.  If the delivery and release is good, then I've done all I have control over.

If I get that 300, 800, tourney win, etc then that's great.  If not, then I have enough faith in my game to know that I'll have that chance again.  All I can do, is just continue to prepare for that next moment.

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Re: Is there really Pressure?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2009, 11:51:46 AM »
I want to clarify my statement... It seems those that dont have a care in the world when they bowl seems to score more because of it. It seems that the more we are concerned with scoring the more we make bad shots, leave pins (tighter armswing and grip).

I too am a defeatist in that for me it has always been negative thinking in my mind. Dont do this, dont do that... when in fact after realizing it, it should have been, do this and do that.

But to those bowlers mentioned above, they dont even say that... they have there mind free of any concerns and simply seem to "get lucky" or strike in pressure situation.

But I have found most success as GetOffMe10Pin suggests. Put the situation out of your mind and let it happen with a positive attitude. You have already proven yourself as you are in this situation. The only thing stoping you is "you"/"your head". Just let it happen and more often it will.

(albeit last night on the front 10 I leave a 10 pin).
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Re: Is there really Pressure?
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2009, 06:53:50 PM »
I said this before and i'll say it again.  You have to be ICE COLD and turn off the anxiety/pressure feelings.  That's what mental toughness/strength is.  There is no time or room for these counter-productive feelings.  Besides, why feel pressure?  What good does it do?  It only hinders an individual.


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It looks like A-Rod got the message this past post season.