Sorry, but Horse hockey pucks!!!!
While the Trop. Breeze and the Ride use the Reactor coverstock, which was strong 10, (TEN!!) years ago, today, with the Breeze core, it is mild, very mild. I find only the Strike King to have more length, but it also has more backend.
If the Breeze is hooking more, it is ONLY because there is very little oil, BUT enough head oil for length The extra head oil allows the much stronger Brute to clear the heads and retain SOME energy.
I guarantee if the Breeze is hooking more than the Brute, it is NOT because the Breeze is stronger but because the Brute is not quite burning up enough in the heads and the midlane.
I type this as a consistent user of the Breeze Hybrid. I use it regularly in both leagues in 2 very different houses. And practice with it in 3rd very different house, comparing it to 5 or 6 different other balls.