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Author Topic: New Bowling Center--Madison, WI  (Read 1233 times)


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New Bowling Center--Madison, WI
« on: December 13, 2003, 06:21:31 PM »
With all the negative talk about bowling centers closing and numbers of bowlers down in ABC/WIBC.  I thought, it would be nice to let fellow bowlers know that in my home town Madison, Wisconsin a new 32 lane Brunswick center opened beginning of Nov.  

Prior to that one of the same owners built a 40 lane center on the east side of Madison.  These are the two newest centers built in the state of Wisconsin.  Goes to show what you can do if you are a progressive hard working proprietor.  




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Re: New Bowling Center--Madison, WI
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2003, 11:08:02 AM »
'Bones--Understand where you are coming from.  Both of these centers are league oriented for the most part as are most of the centers in Madison.  5 PM 3 person after work leagues and 6:30 PM 5 man leagues. 9 PM 2nd shift leagues pretty much non exisitent.  Since, we are in a colder climate.  Leagues are dwindling but still doing relatively well.  There is no doubt that open play garners a large aspect of bowling now adays.  

Price for this new center is $3/domestic beer $2.75/line bowling.  For the area this is about in line with everyone else a lil higher.  




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Re: New Bowling Center--Madison, WI
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2003, 11:33:51 AM »
Just some more info...

This new center is also in a somewhat higher income area in Madison.  I talked to the owners a week ago and they had birthday parties booked solid for the day (Saturday), Christmas parties every day in the banquet rooms thru Christmas, and a good bar trade in a really cool bar with a loft and 3 huge big screen projection like tvs (as well as 2 of these on the walls at each end of the bowling area).  The place is run by bowlers who know what bowlers want, as well as how to make it a profitable business.  This center is hosting the city assoc. tournament and a local scratch tour year end tourney.  Has plenty of leagues currently (the place opened in November after the league season started) and has more starting in January.  This center looks like it will be very successful, and I'm happy for the owners/managers as they are good people.