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Author Topic: Another Urethane Ball Question  (Read 884 times)


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Another Urethane Ball Question
« on: February 21, 2004, 10:36:27 PM »
What difference,if any is there from the urethane balls of old and the urethane balls of new?  Which is better?  I know some of the manufactures have remade some of old balls, but they have not gotten good reviews. On the other hand when asked most everybody liked the old balls.

So your vote would be what?  Old urethane OR New urethane  Why?

Thanks in advance!




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Re: Another Urethane Ball Question
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2004, 02:36:34 PM »
Both have their advantages.

Columbia's Black Messenger, one of my favorite balls, is a urethane called Flexathane, and no I don't know exactly what the difference is.  The core on this ball, as on the Stingray and the Buzzsaw XXL, causes the ball to flare quite a bit.  This can do good things to the ball, not the least of which is more backend reaction.

The old Hammers, some of the best urethanes ever made, are lower-flaring balls.  So they more or less rolled how you released them without too much axis migration.  This made them fairly consistent (read how many people on this board want their Black and Red Hammers back).  For someone like me, who has a lot of forward-rotation to their released, this causes a phenomenon that is referred to as a "heavy roll":  a roll which seems to drive through the pins especially well dispite slow ball speed, not flush in the pocket, etc.  My low-flaring Piranha does this as well.

Some of the remakes, however, are traditional three piece construction urethanes.  These tend to be somewhat cover heavy, don't turn in oil quite as well and tend to not flip on the backend as hard, and don't hit as hard.  With them having more weight distributed through the ball as opposed to concentrated at the core, it's harder to get revolutions on the ball (less leverage to the weight).  There are bowlers that grew up with this stuff though and love to throw them (my dad loves his Black Scout, and a guy in our league averaged 210 with a Claw... big-handed guy.)

If any one has more to had, or corrections to make, chime in.  This is the way I understand this stuff and if there's stuff missing let us know.



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Re: Another Urethane Ball Question
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2004, 02:47:51 PM »
Much depends on what you are looking for in the ball.  I actually still use older urethane stuff, and in fact was using the Gold Grenade yesterday (needed a little more pop than I got out of the Roto RH).  The newer urethanes seemed to be a stronger coverstock, which negates what I would look for in a urethane aresenal placement...for me, urethane is designed to cover a condition that I want a mellower reaction on without having to take something new and drill the guts out of.


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Re: Another Urethane Ball Question
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2004, 04:25:58 PM »
Thanks that has helped me quite a bit. Anybody else has input I'm all ears.

Thanks everybody
