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Author Topic: Any 14# high avg/tournament bowlers?  (Read 1094 times)


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Any 14# high avg/tournament bowlers?
« on: September 20, 2004, 05:34:00 AM »
I have a 15# brunswick equipment setup for length. Have a med speed, high-rev release. Do fine on house condition.  But on tougher tournament conditions, have problems keeping speed up consistently.  Would a 14# ball be my answer?  Do anybody use 14# equipment & have high avg. & success in tournaments?  Any comments suggestions??



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Re: Any 14# high avg/tournament bowlers?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2004, 02:12:04 PM »
i use to have this problem I was a higher rev playier with some speed but got in trouble on sport shots because I could not keep things to the pocket in the later games. I don't think you need to change weight I think you just need to learn some hand positions that will not have as much turn on the ball. Right now I can go into a bowling center and but 500 rpms on the ball but I can also put 150 rpms on the ball. Later on you might set up some of your bowling balls to be smooth at the break point.
i am usaly at 320 rpms
Bowl To Win!!!

Edited on 9/20/2004 2:04 PM


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Re: Any 14# high avg/tournament bowlers?
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2004, 02:40:35 PM »
my teammate throws everything 14# except his addiction(15#)....he carries 230+ at multiple houses....MAKES money at tourneys...bowls with tish johnson once in a while in double tourneys...throws v2 dry, fire, aggression, addiction, vicious part.(rarely), v2 sweet, v2 clean, savage flip, illusion, and a zebra IV(plastic, if the night is just f....d up.)

....he is a southpaw though and he throws 14 because his left shoulder will likely blow out in a couple of years(too many cortizon(sp) shots = weak bone where it is injected)

the ball coverstocks are strong enough to carry with 14 pounds now.....some balls dont carry the same cores at lighter weights though
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Edited on 9/20/2004 2:44 PM


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Re: Any 14# high avg/tournament bowlers?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2004, 02:55:01 PM »
Locally we have a person who is known by many nationally for his drilling prowess....Bruce Heim from the National Bowling Outlet (Big B booth at the nationals). Bruce throws 14#'s exclusively due to a bad wrist, and has been a top money winner in our area for years, against some TOP bowlers.

Here is the most recent story on him:
The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone The worlds fastest firemen in the origional Xtreme Games
24 is not my age, IQ, or bowling average, but my firematic number, at least I think that what it is - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world