Ignoring the ones that have far more influence is not what they are doing at all. What an incredibly ignorant statement.
It is only in the last five years that the factors that influence ball motion have been quantified. Any changes in the rules will require changes on the part of the ball manufacturers. Some of these changes could result in new engineering practices that might increase the price of each ball made and /or might have an effect on bowling centers as well.
If a major change is made then how do you deal with the equipment that is currently on the market?
There is a great deal of responsibility that comes with the rules and specifications department that has an influence over all of the bowlers. To say that they are ignoring other factors is just irresponsible on your part.
You would like USBC to snap their fingers and "fix" things... the world does not work that way.
The static weight argument started well before the ball motion study was released.
The USBC did make changes in the rules regarding RG and RG Differential. Factors that have more influence than static weights.
They are getting there.
I personally feel they are too focused on the balls. There are basically only 2 pin manufacturers. Much easier to change the scoring pace by changing the pins versus changing the balls.
They also have clearly identified that oil patters as a cause for higher scores but no one has the guts to implement an across the board policy flattening out the patterns used in your local center.
The static weights study put to rest an argument that has been going on this site for years.
Now we know how much CG matters.