Question for anyone who used to be a cranker, or who regularly hit up on the ball, as to if they had any success changing to a "weaker" release? Growing up on urethane as I did, I learned the "grip it and rip it" approach to the lanes, but for some reason I am not smart enough to get newer equipment to work for me. Sure, I can throw a lot of strikes in a set, but I'll also leave around 2 splits of the 4-6-(either 7 or 10) variety
per game. Very,
very rarely will I leave a washout - seems I have some phobia about hitting light (even though todays equipment seems to carry light hits better than solid pocket hits).
Anyway, back to topic... I am flirting with less cupping of the wrist, and more of a "stroker" style release to try taming down the reaction (and splits) in my game. I was wondering if a wrist brace helped you keep your hand out of it? One of my biggest problems is I'll be going along great, then subconciously I will cup one and plow through the beak for that split. I know what I've done when I see the ball react, and in many cases I will feel it just before release. In other words, I will have my wrist straight in my backswing, and as I come forward the wrist will curl under and cup the ball just before I hit up on it in my release. This aggravates me to no end - is there any hope for my stubborn brain to learn a different release?

9~Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!