I use the Vice brace I would not say that its any better than any of the others you have listed but i do like it better than the robbys which I have also used.
The Pro release for me I could never get the strap around the Wrist tight enough and the adjustments were to hard to make once you had it on.
Don Smith
F.O.S. To The Bone
Cobalt (X1),Tsunami (X1`),Pearl Uranium,XXXL
Buzzsaw C/Carbide,XXL
thats just what I carry
Cobalt Bomb (NIB),BCB(X2-1 NIB),
Original SD(X2,NIB),
Golden Nugget,
Pearl Cherry Bomb (X3-1NIB 1 is 16Lb)
Pink Raspberry (X1-16Lb)
Black raspberry(X1-16Lb)
And Always Looking For More
Edited on 10/2/2006 10:31 AM