Either start it at .99 and let it run, or list it as a fixed price and accept best offers. A lot of people will not bid if you place a reserve. You will attract the most bidders by starting it at .99.
With fixed price, you can put Buy It Now of $250.00, and then buyers can submit offers to you via Ebay. If they offer you $125, you can counteroffer $180 if you want, or accept the $125. And dont set your Buyitnow too high, or no one will submit an offer.
But if you are just looking to sell them, I'd run it at .99 with no reserve. If they only go for $55 each, then thats all they are really worth. You also have a chance that two bidders could bid the item up really high, and it could go for $200.
Edited on 4/17/2009 2:40 PM