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Author Topic: USBC rules on honor awards  (Read 3891 times)


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USBC rules on honor awards
« on: June 18, 2010, 08:49:00 AM »
I had a team mate in the same winter league that shot back 11 for 290 not long ago at all. Got with the secretary to fill out the paperwork and was correctly done and is in processing.
Then last night he shot 279 and back 11 for another 11 in a row award. Both count as an honor score. He went to the same secretary and the secreatary denied him stating USBC will only give out 1 award a year?! Is that right?

When he said that I believed the secretary. Not suprised anything USBC is doing these days. However, I told him that may be true but the secretary or league officer is required to turn in the award sheet anyways. It still counts being registered with USBC and most of all the USBC site where you can see all of your honor scores. I told him it does mean something that it is registered and better then not counting at all.

Then a league member brought out the USBC book and was reading it you only get one honor score award but I didn't see the text. I didn't know if it meant you only get one type of honor score award or cannot get 2 of the same type of honor score award. Again, I clarified that may be correct but still can be turned in to be registered. He said my teamate wouldn't get anything and said they still have to register it and will be on the USBC site.

To me if this happenened I'd care less about the actuall plaque or whatever they would give you. I am very interested in it counting and being registered. I thought that was half that point of being in USBC and throwing honor scores. I think I got my teamate to understand this and I am assuming and hoping the secretary did her part and turned it in. There must be something on the honor score award form just to check a box that the score is to be registered only and no physical award will be sent.



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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2010, 06:26:50 PM »
It is true that you can only get one 11-in-a-row award for each year. However, you can purchase each additional one if you so desire.

Let It Bleed

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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2010, 06:27:33 PM »
I believe you can only receive one award per achievement per season. If you shot three 300s this season, you'd only get one award. But definitely send it the paperwork to still have it recognized on the records.
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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2010, 06:39:12 PM »
That is true that he only gets the one award, BUT, the secretary still should've filled out the paperwork and turned it in.
Dale Williams
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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2010, 06:56:46 PM »
+1 on what 101960, Let it Bleed and justdale said.

As a long-time ABC/USBC league secretary, yes, the current form and supporting instructions provide for marking multiple awards in the same year. USBC provides one award each year. The form provides instructions for purchasing and verifying replacement and/or multiple awards earned in the same year.

Your league secretary may make an incorrect assumption that s/he needs to only complete the paperwork for your first award earned. Actually, your secretary needs to turn in paperwork for ALL of your award scores. This is the ONLY way that USBC and your local association knows to record all of your award scores for posterity.

There are a lot of good league secretaries out there but, unfortunately, there are also some ignorant secretaries out there, too. Help to educate the ones who don't understand the awards scores process.


MoRich Mania
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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2010, 07:25:09 PM »
As others have said, the secretary should fill out the paperwork and submit.  I had a few 300s and 2 800s that I didn't know were never submitted even though I filled out the paperwork.  My fault for not paying attention, but when I asked the secretary a few years later, he said that he didn't think I would care to send it in since I had other honor scores during the same year.  Such is a learning experience.
Who needs a 300 or 800, when I have a 294 and a 295!?!?!


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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2010, 07:46:53 PM »
Yes, I've been in that situation kind of before. What would have been my 2nd honor score was in 2005 when I shot 299 for 11 in a row which had a 290 and did get recognized by ABC at the time in 2001. The secretary said he turned it in twice but called my local ABC office several times and said they didn't have it but supposedly were processing only USBC awards at the time and ABC awards were "backlogged". I believed it at the time during the ABC/USBC merger and even called USBC headquarters and had no record of it. So I don't think the secretary turned it in plus the fact I never filled it out as he said "he was going to do it". So I waited 6 months and nothing got done and called the bowling alley to get the management to help me out and they tossed the previous season's scores out.

The only reason I'm not super p.o'd is a solid 10 stopped me from what would have been my first 300 game at the time. Luckily, I had two more after that year in two different leagues and both are recognized. Award wise was a free ring and a plaque...however found out my Brunswick house gives out plaques for 300's which look nicer then the USBC awards.

Awards are nice but if you can't get a bunch in a year it should still count to be registered and by USBC rules it does and every league officer especially any sanctioned secretary should know that you are required to turn in the form.


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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 07:52:45 PM »

I had a similar circumstance several years ago after I picked up a Monday night league as secretary. The previous secretary had not submitted duplicate honor score award applications for both years he was secretary. A couple of bowlers mentioned this to me. I submitted all of the duplicate awards in one package along with a cover letter signed by the previous league secretary, association secretary, and along with computer printouts of each individuals season histories. The association secretary and I contacted ABC (in Greendale, Wisconsin at the time) regarding the duplicate awards and circumstances. Greendale accepted the submissions and, as a result, these bowlers have all of their 300s, 11-in-a-rows, and 800s recorded. My experience with both Greendale and Arlington over the years is that these folks truly want to get it right. They just want to ensure that no one is gaming the system.

Thus, even though it''s been a few years, you may be able to have your duplicate honor scores recorded. Don''t just assume you have no recourse



MoRich Mania
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Edited on 6/18/2010 7:53 PM


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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2010, 06:07:50 PM »
I bowl in an old peoples league me being old, and had the back 11 for 279 which I had never done before. I was told by the league secretary you don't get an award now from the USBC if you are carrying 200 or more. Somehow I got a nice 11 in a row award that beats the belt buckle I got for my 290 back in 1977.

I think the association secretary put in for me to get this somehow to get the award I got.



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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2010, 10:16:33 PM »
Always fill out the paperwork.
Goes on your permanent USBC list of achievements.

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Re: USBC rules on honor awards
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2010, 11:04:21 AM »
See below from the "Find a Member" page on  It does work, I've used it before to report a missing honor score.  I gave the date bowled, league name, league secretary, association name and president and the score was posted within a week.

Find a Member only displays honor score achievements from August 1, 1998 and later.
'N/A' means the information is not available.

Note: The information above may or may not be a complete record of your achievement history with USBC (or ABC, WIBC, YABA). If you find that achievements are missing from this list, please contact the USBC Membership/Awards team via email:, or phone (800)514-2695 Ext 3151.