Jeez, the Atlanta pattern was brutal. Very flat from left to right, and the transitions were nasty. I went 157-223-172-212. I started the night with a small swing, but had to move right in the 2nd game because we fought some nasty carrydown (I tried moving left assuming the head oil was going away and I needed to get more push through the front part of the lane. Wrong. It was legitimately carrydown. I even switched to my Nano for more traction!). Then in just a handful of frames that line TOTALLY went away and I got over/under hell. I eventually balled down to my Tropical Heat, moved 10 boards left with my feet, and banked it off the spot I was playing before. Very low-scoring condition for everyone in the league. I only saw a handful of people break 200.
Also, for what its' worth, we are only going to bowl on 5 of the patterns in this league, and we drew the patterns out of a hat. Atlanta, Beijing, London, Mexico City, and Paris. So we get a couple long patterns, one really long but really light oil pattern, one 35' shot, and the diabolical Atlanta pattern from last night. Interesting mix.