Alcohol does clean the ball...just the very outer surface. Todays ball cleaners contain emulsifiers that penetrate the surface and help bring oil and debris out to be wiped off. I highly recommend a micro towel it helps pick and clean what you are trying to remove. Cotton towels have a tendency to spread oil due to the lack of absorbency.
And to Blows, there are many bowlers who have honor scores but don't know the first thing about ball cleaning. Bowling is a science and unless you have been taught or wanted to learn, cleaning a ball is just wiping it off. With the array of cleaners, polishing cleaners, polishes, abrasives....if you don't take the time you may never figure it out.
TheCrownedPrince: Reacta Shine is a polishing cleaner. I find it very useful. In my experience Reacta Shine cleans pretty well and leaves a slight polish. Doesn't create much more length but makes a ball look great if you want that shinny look.