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Author Topic: Anyone been on the Dick Ritger Training Camp/Program?  (Read 1498 times)


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Anyone been on the Dick Ritger Training Camp/Program?
« on: December 04, 2004, 09:15:47 AM »
If so, how was it, how did you benefit, etc. Just gimme all the info you can really.

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Storm - So Good It Hurts



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Re: Anyone been on the Dick Ritger Training Camp/Program?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2004, 08:11:41 PM »
I took the coaches courses earlier in the year in Illinois.  Dick did the courses himself and they were excellent.  We were exhausted after 3 days.  Tons of information and hands on experience.  I have heard that he has other instructors that are doing some of the classes.  As for his camps, if they are anywhere near the same level and quality they would be excellent.  Also the man and his staff are first rate.  A pleasure to deal with.  I can't say enough about our experience with them from registering to the very end.  All was excellent.  You will need to be very open minded if you watch the videos first because they are very dry.  The information in them seems useless until you start using it for real.  Much of the stuff is very old school but very effective still today.  

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Re: Anyone been on the Dick Ritger Training Camp/Program?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2004, 09:43:51 PM »
They are fantastic. I have gone to the camp once, and the advanced camp the only time they've held it. I have not had Dick Ritger as the instructor, but Bob Rea. But Bob stays true to the Ritger method as well. So does Kelly Kulick - their other instructor.

They WILL have you working the drills with the rest of the class using a 4 step cadence - but you're free to use more steps the rest of the time. Some folks on this site preach that the Ritger method wants you to change. In a sense, that's true - they want you to change to those things that will work, instead of sticking with those things that won't. Will they take a 6 stepper and make them a 4 stepper? No. Not unless they want to change.

I would highly recommend the program - if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

To give you the condensed version:
My book average was 182 the year I attended the Ritger program.
I attended in march, and was averaging around 187 or so at that time.
I finished that year at 198, 220 the following year, and 215 last year. 2002 PWBA Northwest Region Rookie of the Year.

A couple of months after first attending the Ritger camp, I won our local City tournament singles, with a series of 246-245-243. 3 NWWCBA titles. Lots of other stuff as well. Since then, I have worked with Bob whenever he comes to town - he will do this with any graduate of the program. Awesome program - awesome people.

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Re: Anyone been on the Dick Ritger Training Camp/Program?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2004, 06:28:52 AM »
They are fantastic. I have gone to the camp once, and the advanced camp the only time they've held it. I have not had Dick Ritger as the instructor, but Bob Rea. But Bob stays true to the Ritger method as well. So does Kelly Kulick - their other instructor.

They WILL have you working the drills with the rest of the class using a 4 step cadence - but you're free to use more steps the rest of the time. Some folks on this site preach that the Ritger method wants you to change. In a sense, that's true - they want you to change to those things that will work, instead of sticking with those things that won't. Will they take a 6 stepper and make them a 4 stepper? No. Not unless they want to change.

I would highly recommend the program - if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

To give you the condensed version:
My book average was 182 the year I attended the Ritger program.
I attended in march, and was averaging around 187 or so at that time.
I finished that year at 198, 220 the following year, and 215 last year. 2002 PWBA Northwest Region Rookie of the Year.

A couple of months after first attending the Ritger camp, I won our local City tournament singles, with a series of 246-245-243. 3 NWWCBA titles. Lots of other stuff as well. Since then, I have worked with Bob whenever he comes to town - he will do this with any graduate of the program. Awesome program - awesome people.

Bowlers are like puppies. The only difference is that someday the puppy will quit whining.
-- Found at Sam's Town Pro Shop

Wow, gratz .
I really have to make sure it's worth it as I would have to fly out to the US (being in England and all) to go on the real camp.
How much theory compared to on the lane bowling is there and is it one to one or is it many people to a coach actually on the lane?

Ohhh Crap! You Are Supposed To Hit The Pins?!
Storm - So Good It Hurts

Edited on 12/5/2004 7:25 AM


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Re: Anyone been on the Dick Ritger Training Camp/Program?
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2004, 02:54:32 AM »
TTT. pot. Bump.
Ohhh Crap! You Are Supposed To Hit The Pins?!
Storm - So Good It Hurts


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Re: Anyone been on the Dick Ritger Training Camp/Program?
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2004, 08:52:36 AM »
I went a few years ago.  The student/teacher ratio was pretty good.  I think there were 6 people to a pair, and one teacher per pair.  And the teachers would rotate, so if you didn't get along with a coach you didn't have them for too long and since each coach is different, each one focuses on something slightly different.  

I got the most benefit with my armswing, probably second was my release.  The most important thing is to have an open mind and try what they tell you.  

I've been to quite a few seminars, and had lessons with some REALLY well respected coaches, and in my opinion, if you walk out of a Ritger camp feeling like you didn't get a lot out of it, you should probably think about taking up a different sport.
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