Heh ... guess the entry forms for the Masters were old if srlunatic just bowled it. Oh well, I'm sure they'll have another one soon. Leisure seems to be putting on a Masters tourney every few months these days. I think that's great! Too bad I don't have the skill to compete in it.
You folks in the Albuquerque area, please consider offering to team up with one of the youth bowlers at Starlight Lanes at Santa Ana for the adult/youth tournament. Our kids are just starting to get a taste for tournaments, and we'd sure like to give them all an opportunity to participate. If you're interested, willing, etc., you can PM me here, or better yet, give Margaret a call at Starlight. She's the youth program director, while I'm just the coach. I think she already has started a list of adults willing to bowl. The tournament's scheduled for the end of February.
And now I'll un-hijack Pat's post.