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Author Topic: Anyone else in a slump???  (Read 1473 times)


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Anyone else in a slump???
« on: December 05, 2004, 12:05:55 AM »
My year started off really well. I jumped about 30 pins from last year, mostly from practicing my spare shooting. Made some adjustments, ball change, (for the better), and was on a roll. Now, my focus isn't like it was. Little distractions pull me away, I'm not consistent with my release, it's become very frustrating.

I know we all get into slumps now and then. But I bowl on Tuesday, and Friday, and it seems that in my practice times, I fix these problems, I guess I need to dedicate myself to applying it to league.

Yesterday the owner of our center asked me if I wanted to bowl with him and 3 other guys that are 200+ average bowlers in our 5 man challenge today. I average 160, but when I was on earlier this season, 180's and 200's were a common occurance. So, today I'm not going to overanalyze the game. I'm going to throw at my mark and let things happen. If I bowl good then that's great and I didn't let these guys down. If I bowl bad, I'll deal with it like usual, and go from there.

He must have enough faith in me to ask me to join his team of scratch bowlers, sometimes when you bowl with bowlers with experiece and nice form, it rubs off, we'll see.

I think a guy thinks about it so much, you force yourself to make bad shots. You don't do the simple things, and put too much pressure on what you don't need to. A friend of mine pictures himself missing putts all the time. So what does he do? Misses his putts.

Just had to rant, my slump is mentally draining me and I needed an audience to complain too. Anyone else in my boat?

Life is a struggle, so is bowling...


Ernie McCracken

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Re: Anyone else in a slump???
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2004, 08:41:34 AM »
I'm in a slump on Friday nights but Tuesdays are still outstanding!  I don't get it.  I'm averaging 237 on Tuesday with no problems.  I shoot 700 every time I go in.  On Friday I'm having a hard time keeping 218.  This past Friday was no exception.  I worked my butt off for 640.  These two leagues are in different houses also.  Tuesday is the high average and the hardest house!  Friday nights are at a place so walled up that there's an honor score every week.  We had 4 300's shot last week alone and I can't carry a 225 average which is my norm.  Not sure what it is but Friday's just got my number.
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Re: Anyone else in a slump???
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2004, 08:59:31 AM »
I was 'till yeterday when I broke through it. 2 year of hell.
Get someone to analyse your bowling, break it down.

My bugger was that I arrived at the line much earlier than the ball and being a big guy (bodybuilder) I had full control over the ball without even feeling it. Took an entire year of 2 hrs of coaching every week to get through it.
So damn lucky, county trials next week. Wish me luck, I got in two years ago.
Ohhh Crap! You Are Supposed To Hit The Pins?!
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Re: Anyone else in a slump???
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2004, 09:07:03 AM »
Do you ever bowl any time other then league? Like, do you ever just go practice? For me, when I get in a slump, I simply have to stop bowling for a while. When Im in a slump all I do is shoot league and leave. Dont think about it, dont try to figure stuff out, I just forgot about bowling as much as I can till I have to bowl again. Basically I just dont bowl/think about bowling for a few weeks. Even if you prebowl for a couple weeks ahead of time. (not sure if your allowed to do that or not) But thats just what I do. Hope I helped.
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Re: Anyone else in a slump???
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2004, 04:05:06 PM »
I am in a funk right now; really need a new ball for the first game in my Sunday Morning league. Shooting 130's and 140's on a fresh shot, going back to 3/4 roll from full roller is somewhat great for me but I have to replace my Swamp Monster. It's almost tracked out


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Re: Anyone else in a slump???
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2004, 04:25:02 PM »
Yes, I've been averaging in the low 140s the last few weeks...for example I was on a medium oiled ths the other day, and I averaged about 145, hmm, that was pretty bad. I have been like this the last three or four weeks I would say. Though today it may have ended...
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Re: Anyone else in a slump???
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2004, 08:42:26 AM »
Well to follow up on my slump, I shot a clean 212 yesterday in the tournament, and shot a decent series for the first time in awhile. Shot well over my average, and only 4 opens the whole set.

The shot was pretty tough, and the scratch bowlers had a hard time with it, so I held up pretty well. I needed a good series, just to keep me coming back!

I just hope it all holds up!
Life is a struggle, so is bowling...

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Re: Anyone else in a slump???
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2004, 02:14:29 PM »
Im not really in a slump, but Im slowly gaining my average. Basically just trying new things, and new ways. Seems to be working. Whats holding me back is adjusting to some lane conditions. It usually takes me 2 or 3 frames to get it going again.