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Author Topic: Anyone ever had this happen?  (Read 1050 times)


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Anyone ever had this happen?
« on: December 07, 2004, 10:51:06 AM »
It's the 1st night back after our resurface and natrually i'm looking for some big numbers, head down to lane 1-2(note that) and spent all night getting ball calls, sticking 2-8-10's and other nastys and coughing up a 3/470. Next day i headed back for more practice on lane 3, all of a sudden my strong stuff jumps nose and my weak stuff(low rg drill Lightning Flash and Code Red) are awesome. Now here's the thing, the oiling machine has a new wick and roller and of course it's been left at the start of lane one to saturate the buffer, of course this meant 1-2= flooded and rest of the house= stone walled. Damn lane draw!!!
EVERYONE wants some of this!!!
Time for some REAL bowling!!!



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Re: Anyone ever had this happen?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2004, 11:56:37 PM »
That's interesting, because on Tuesdays the league I bowl in there even though the oil machine is parked behind the back of lanes 1-2, the owner always starts the oiling on lanes 11-12 and works his way across from there. This may explain why the lower scoring pair in our league (since we only use 7-12) happens to be 11-12.


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Anyone ever had this happen?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2004, 04:22:23 AM »
My Thursday nite house has this problem with thier oil machine.  For example, last thursday, i get there about 5pm and one of the guys from my Monday league is there Pre-bowling for something.

Well he says well your gonna love this shot, and i asked why,, he replied its a flood of oil in the middle.  I kinda gave him a wierd look cuz the normal shot is light-med oil.  

As i was watching him bowl he was going over second arrow and barely making it to the pocket.  he pulled one shot over 14, and the ball went straight lol.  After he left, i grab my ball and get on lanes 11&12, he was on 9&10 i bowled one game of practice and didnt have a problem.  

That nite i bowl on lanes 13&14 and shoot 715 with my BarbedWire....  Well when i got done i walked down the center to check out the other scores, well lanes 7-8 , 9-10 had terrible scores.  high game on lanes 7-8 for the nite was like 220 lol.  

One of the other guys from lanes 1-2 said the shot was nice he just didnt carry.  

Well needless to say lanes 7-10 was a mess, but lanes 11-14 was perfect, and lanes 1-4 was nice too and 5-6 wasnt much better than 7-8 lol.

I noticed this alot last yr, the lanes were different pair to pair.  and its the same this yr too.

But Of course, i also heard from one of the guys at the front desk that the oiler had been cleaned out because it was oiling each pair differently.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "